Over population

The current world population is 7.7billion as of January 2019 according to UN. It could reach over 11billion by 2100.Is it necessary to control the population?.What causes in increasing in population?.

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    • Benefit is happiness that lays in having all sizes of children along with a beautiful wife around you exchanging smile over innocent behaviour of toddlers :D. Joking aside. If the population is skillful and highly educated that become the resources of a country and vice versa. 

    • childish, narrow minded and unlogical answer,I don't want to reply again.


    • Unlogical or illogical ?

      Actually I've recently learned from  a member of this site who said " we should address people according to their levels of thinking or their minds". I did so, plz pardon me :). 

  • Thanks for your comments.

  • hhhhh, totally right

  • Good question!

    The population does not grow the same in every part of the world. There are many countries where the population is drastically decreasing.

    The reasons for the growth of the world population are, in my opinion, manifold.

    In rich countries that have a good social system, people are not afraid of poverty when they get sick or old, because well-functioning health insurance and pension systems provide security.
    But every coin has two sides. Many people do without children. They prefer to make a good career and earn money. They tend to care for a pet rather than children.

    In poor countries, where there is no social system, the children have to take care of sick, lonely or old family members.
    Very often they have to work in their childhood to increase the income of the family. That makes it necessary to have many children. It's like private insurance.
    It may sound cruel and a bit arrogant when I say so, but that's the reality.

    Lack of education and ignorance about contraception. Also, many can not afford the funds for contraception, even if they know about it and would like to do it.

    There are more examples of why the world increases.
    Here is another one: unlike poor people who need many children to survive, there are also people who simply could not afford children. As their countries evolved, so did their incomes, and now, they can afford to have children.

    I am sure there are many other reasons to add.
    I am eager what other members are going to discuss on that topic.

    • Thanks a lot for your detailed relply

  • Over population.....it is the main problem in our country India too.It leads to many problems like poverty,jobless,adequate place to live,increasing criminals....etc.We have to control it for peace and smooth life in earth.

  • Dear Vijay, if high population is as big a problem as you see it, China would have been the poorest country in the world. But is it? Just like Arif said, poverty is partially due to the mismanagement of public funds by Governments. Nobody can control the world's population because the world is not owned or controlled by anyone but it's Creator.

  • Willy, huh?

    Somebody thinks he's smart. 

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