My questionnaire

Hi, Everyone, I expose one of my questionnaire here, and am curious to see that how you answer those issues? :))) (Honesty is required)(my answer have been in parentheses)

(a)To love and to be loved, Which one will you prefer?
(To love.)

(b)What is value of human lives?
(Discover and Creating)

(c)Which is more happy of given or taken?

(d)How will you choose in two job that, One is lower salary but you like, two is in the contrary?

(e)How much proportion the sex takes the place in a relationship?

(f)Do you keep looking for exciting things in your life?

(g)How do you judge the activity of adventure?

(h)American government launched a space travel plan - going to Mars, You can go to there but never return, Will you willing to join them?

(i)Who/what do you believe?

(j)Is enjoying in your life the first important thing in your concept?

(k)if one of your friend tell you that he'd stolen a million of dollars from his workplace, What will you do?
(Tell him going to the policeman and stop connections with him forever.)

(l)What's your intention in a relationship?
(Make my lover happy.)

(m)do you like history and philosophy?
(I do.)

(o)When you fall in love with one, will you let whom knows your emotion?

(p)do you like to show your success in front of people?

(q)Will you give money to a beggar you meet occationally?
(I will.)

(r)Do you like discount?

(s)Which sentences do you prefer: 1-I want/I like; 2-I think/I should?
(2.)on't judge] is an honest phrase?

(t)Do you like dog's meat as Korean people?
(u)Do you think most people's idea must belong to truth?

(v)Do you believe [don't judge] is an honest phrase?


(w)Do you think women are the same as men?

(x)Which one you prefer - true facts or optimistic in subjective?
(True facts.)

(y)If you admit that human can be divided in layers?

(z)Do you think natural rules equal truth?

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  • *Money never bring us true happiness, So earning more money but paying more of our joy will be not worthful;

    *I can not say women or men can be better, I think that they can be better on some special aspects;

    *Discount means unreasonable before discounting, So I dislike it;

    *I mean that people have different initiate quality on mentality, I could not find a suitable English word to express it.

    MARY said:

    - How will you choose in two job that, One is lower salary but you like, two is in the contrary?

    4 years living the 1st option and still on it. Probably I'll end up my days living under a bridge but oh well... I'm a cloud walker, so it worth for me :P

    - Do you think women are the same as men?

    No, fortunately women are not like guys. We are better :P

    - Do you like discount?

    No, I prefer free stuff.

    - You admit that human can be divided in layers?

    whut? :/ Like if we were onions? :/

    My questionnaire
    Hi, Everyone, I expose one of my questionnaire here, and am curious to see that how you answer those issues? :))) (Honesty is required)(my answer hav…
  • That is why 'Onions' make you (us) cry!

    MARY said:

    - How will you choose in two job that, One is lower salary but you like, two is in the contrary?

    4 years living the 1st option and still on it. Probably I'll end up my days living under a bridge but oh well... I'm a cloud walker, so it worth for me :P

    - Do you think women are the same as men?

    No, fortunately women are not like guys. We are better :P

    - Do you like discount?

    No, I prefer free stuff.

    - You admit that human can be divided in layers?

    whut? :/ Like if we were onions? :/

    My questionnaire
    Hi, Everyone, I expose one of my questionnaire here, and am curious to see that how you answer those issues? :))) (Honesty is required)(my answer hav…
  • - How will you choose in two job that, One is lower salary but you like, two is in the contrary?

    4 years living the 1st option and still on it. Probably I'll end up my days living under a bridge but oh well... I'm a cloud walker, so it worth for me :P

    - Do you think women are the same as men?

    No, fortunately women are not like guys. We are better :P

    - Do you like discount?

    No, I prefer free stuff.

    - You admit that human can be divided in layers?

    whut? :/ Like if we were onions? :/

  • LOL, tooo long!  :-/

  • No, no, just for fun!

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