Loading pics and replying the mails

I`ve got some problems...at first...i can`t load some pictures and save them on my page or just send them to my friends, the second problem is....i can`t reply my friends` messages...i need help!!!

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  • i glad  to this web


  • Please make sure your computer is properly updated. Make sure you have the latest version of Flash. Also, please try MyEC on another computer if possible to see if you are having the same problems. The other information we need is your country, your type of operating system, and your browser. 


    •   Hello Tara! Thanks a lot for the fast reaction on my problem!

        Well, at first I decided to connect with my Internet Provider Company (Sky Link), they checked my line and told me that everything is ok.

        Then, I followed your advice and checked all my computer programs…everything is properly updated and Flash too.

        It`s really strange that I can easily load video and music files, photos, leave the comments on the walls of my friends in MyEC. But sending some messages and pictures is still impossible for me. About one month ago the mail worked properly…but now I can use it only from my work computer.

        So that’s why I’m going to tell you some supplementary info:

      - my country – the Russian Federation;

      - the type of operation system – Windows 7;

      - the browser – Internet Explorer 9.

        I hope this information will be helpful to cope with my trouble!



        Waiting to hear from you!


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