life what is it about ? is it just a way of living or purpose of living ? do we have to live like a normal creature eating and talking or we have to strive for great purpose
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But Luci I still find you to live your life by 'rules'. Following rules is also a 'beliving'.
Luci said:
I think life is a collection of our actions, deads, experiences, wisedom, feelings etc... we can't stop our life to move forward, however we can make it enjoyable and interesting... I don't believe in I won't say here ehmm you know what kind of talks... however, we should be aware of one thing, which is whaaaaaaaat?????? :D yeah it is time becuse to live passively for ages is like to be dead...
life what is it about ? is it just a way of living or purpose of living ? do we have to live like a normal creature eating and talking or we have to…
I am a kind of asocial person so that for me, life is to stay cool and survive in the middle of shitty society where everything seems to knock me down, lol xD
I think life is a collection of our actions, deads, experiences, wisedom, feelings etc... we can't stop our life to move forward, however we can make it enjoyable and interesting...
I don't believe in I won't say here ehmm you know what kind of talks... however, we should be aware of one thing, which is whaaaaaaaat?????? :D yeah it is time becuse to live passively for ages is like to be dead...
i think life is not simple AS we ever thought about it. live is have a purpose,and that's not just to be success, to be happy . like so many people said. that's not truly our purpose to life. but the truly of life is to search and collect stock for the life after we die, our life is to be servant of our god.
Dear Aseventhreeighta, I love your statement. ^^
nice saying but i didnt get the last part well , could you explain more ?
so what is the point of our existence , is it just to work ,get married, eat and eventually die ?
But Luci I still find you to live your life by 'rules'. Following rules is also a 'beliving'.
Luci said:
I am a kind of asocial person so that for me, life is to stay cool and survive in the middle of shitty society where everything seems to knock me down, lol xD
I don't believe in I won't say here ehmm you know what kind of talks... however, we should be aware of one thing, which is whaaaaaaaat?????? :D yeah it is time becuse to live passively for ages is like to be dead...
i think life is not simple AS we ever thought about it. live is have a purpose,and that's not just to be success, to be happy . like so many people said. that's not truly our purpose to life. but the truly of life is to search and collect stock for the life after we die, our life is to be servant of our god.
Nope. Still nothin'.
Mishaikh said:
The main purpose of live in my opinion is to worship to God.
The second is to be useful to others.
Those will create a peaceful and calm soul and make our happiness.