Just imagine!

Hi there folks,

Just imagine......

If you were bitten by a vampire, would you live with blood-lust or ask somebody to kill you before you turned?

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  •     Wow my friend, really you not only have a very rich imagination, but also a scary one. Anyway, my answer is; I will handle myself with blood lust to feed my love lust to the life.  God bless you my friend.

  • I want to be a good vampire, who is just interested in rice and fish. Giggling~

  • Option (i) will be my choice. In my country, we have a dish called "blood soup" so perhaps it's not difficult for me to get used to a new cuisine style..:D

  • I have a feeling that you are kind of following vampire movies nowadays.........

  • You already know my answer, right?

  • Hehe..... just because vampires are handsome, you're ready to be bitten?!

    I daresay, you're a BRAVE girl, Wendy!

    So, who's gonna be your first victim?

    Thanks for your reply, Dear Wendy!

    • A vegetarian vampire who drinks tomato juice?! You must be kidding!

    • No! Vampires are dead and dead beings need not to worry about any kind of health issues.

    • Wendy, Edward's family is rich, that's why they can afford to quench their thirst with bear or lion blood. Are you that rich?!

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    • Oh my! I thought, were just an innocent chick killer. But I guess, I was wrong!

      I hope I won't be one of your victims!

      Btw, who will be your first victim?

      Thank you so much for passing by, Dear Sweet Sandra!

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