Hi everyone,I joined today on the club and now I'll introduce myself. Well, my name is Wendell, I'm from Brazil and my native language is Portuguese. I work with Insurance currently. I'm here to improve my English with other members and teach some things that I've learned until today on my journey in the amazing world of English learning. My level is pre-pre-intermediate, I can't say basic because I think that I already passed of basic level (Self-esteem is very important hahaha)I like music, movies and now I doing these things in English to improve listening and understanding.I feel that I have a long way to go to conquering the fluently, but We can do that together. So, is this, feel free to add me or ask me any questions. Have a great learning!
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Hey, welcome Wendell. You come to the very right site to learn English. You can exploring everything you want here, dig as deep as you can! We are learner here. Nice to meet you :)
Wow, the way you write and explain same as native speaker. It surprises me that you have been learning English for only four years.
Do you have any documents to recommend?. To be honest, I have been studying English for almost ten years. But problem is I was flowing the Education system here that is only focus on English Grammar, very limited listening and speaking in school. Until I see a park have many tourists near my company. then, I usually spend my free time to go there to practice my English Speaking. I realize that I'm improving. However, my pronunciation is Asian accent and it's sometimes difficult for foreigner understand me.
I could be help if you I receive some resources from you.
I understand you, at here in Brazil the schools are more focused in grammar too. I don't have many documents to share with you 'cause I don't study much grammar, my focus is the communication, I let to learn the grammar naturally with the time. What we most use in day-to-day is the communication fact, and I prioritize that. So, for those who learn alone, how much content you absorb more your brain will feel the English easy. The internet is a biggest tool to help us on learning, today have a lot of videos on Youtube that the focus is english teach. Books, Music, series and movies is the great tool to learn too. About your accent, all of us have accent, don't worry about this, the accent will be well seen by foreigners, that is your special attribute. I also have a lot of accent, but I like to think that this is a trait of my country that makes me proud. Think so too. By the way, your writing is great. See ya ;)
Introducing myself
Hi everyone,
I joined today on the club and now I'll introduce myself. Well, my name is Wendell, I'm from Brazil and my native language is Portugues…
Wow, the way you write and explain same as native speaker. It surprises me that you have been learning English for only four years.
Do you have any documents to recommend?. To be honest, I have been studying English for almost ten years. But problem is I was flowing the Education system here that is only focus on English Grammar, very limited listening and speaking in school. Until I see a park have many tourists near my company. then, I usually spend my free time to go there to practice my English Speaking. I realize that I'm improving. However, my pronunciation is Asian accent and it's sometimes difficult for foreigner understand me.
I could be help if you I receive some resources from you.
Your writing is perfect. I have two small questions for you. When did you start to learn English? How long it take to get level like this?
BR, Duong from Vietnam.
Hi Duong,
Well, I started studying English with my 17 years old, Now I'm 21, and since from beginning I learn on my own in my free time. I don't know say how much time was necessary to reach my current level, because this are occurred naturally during the time. So, I recommend you to immerse on the English tongue the maximum as possible to improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing that the fluency will be happens naturally. Enjoying and have fun during the learn is the most important tip that I can say to you, don't worry about the time. See ya!
Introducing myself
Hi everyone,
I joined today on the club and now I'll introduce myself. Well, my name is Wendell, I'm from Brazil and my native language is Portugues…
You are most welcome to this world of learning language. See you around.
Hey, welcome Wendell. You come to the very right site to learn English. You can exploring everything you want here, dig as deep as you can! We are learner here. Nice to meet you :)
Hi, Wendell! Nice to meet you and you are welcome here.
AG said:
Thanks AG, surely I gonna have fun!
Hello, Wendell and welcome to the blog,
I can see from your short post that your English is something more that this Pre-Pre-intermediate :)
Hope you will enjoy your journey in the club.
Have Fun :)
Duong said:
I understand you, at here in Brazil the schools are more focused in grammar too. I don't have many documents to share with you 'cause I don't study much grammar, my focus is the communication, I let to learn the grammar naturally with the time. What we most use in day-to-day is the communication fact, and I prioritize that. So, for those who learn alone, how much content you absorb more your brain will feel the English easy. The internet is a biggest tool to help us on learning, today have a lot of videos on Youtube that the focus is english teach. Books, Music, series and movies is the great tool to learn too. About your accent, all of us have accent, don't worry about this, the accent will be well seen by foreigners, that is your special attribute. I also have a lot of accent, but I like to think that this is a trait of my country that makes me proud. Think so too. By the way, your writing is great. See ya ;)
Wow, the way you write and explain same as native speaker. It surprises me that you have been learning English for only four years.
Do you have any documents to recommend?. To be honest, I have been studying English for almost ten years. But problem is I was flowing the Education system here that is only focus on English Grammar, very limited listening and speaking in school. Until I see a park have many tourists near my company. then, I usually spend my free time to go there to practice my English Speaking. I realize that I'm improving. However, my pronunciation is Asian accent and it's sometimes difficult for foreigner understand me.
I could be help if you I receive some resources from you.
Duong said:
Hi Duong,
Well, I started studying English with my 17 years old, Now I'm 21, and since from beginning I learn on my own in my free time. I don't know say how much time was necessary to reach my current level, because this are occurred naturally during the time. So, I recommend you to immerse on the English tongue the maximum as possible to improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing that the fluency will be happens naturally. Enjoying and have fun during the learn is the most important tip that I can say to you, don't worry about the time. See ya!
dara gino said:
Thanks for the corrections. Of course we can be friends :))
Ola wendell, como voce esta? Welcome to the world of learning, welcome to My EC.
I like music, movies and now I doing these = I like music, movies and now I am doing these
conquering the fluently = conquering the fluency It's a pleasure to see you here. I hope to be one of your friends, can I?