If you are going to visit a foreign country where people can not speak English at all, what should you do?

1. Do you try to learn some sentences in the local language of that country?

If so, how many sentences do you plan to learn? and what are the most important sentences to you?

2. If not so, what other things you do?

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  • Interesting question but how many sentences you learn by heart and speak, you may be in trouble when they reply you in their language. Thank God now there are many apps for translation can be used at such places 

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    • Hi Jasmine,

      Yes, when we can't express ourselves by word, it's very hard and we can just use facial and body expressions to communicate with one another.

      Thanks so much for your reply.

  • It is very important to learn about usual customs because this can prepare us to be more friendly with people and treat them respectfully.

    Thanks a lot Dear friend for your comment.

  • Hi again AReality,

    You mentioned " food " as important sentences you want to learn before going on a trip to a foreign country. Yes, it's very important to be able to speak about food. I read an interesting story about an Iranian who didn't know Chinese and traveling in China, you know the food in China is too spicy to eat for Iranians, and that man couldn't eat spicy food. So he had to eat just boiled eggs for three days but fortunately he is so lucky and found an Iranian man who could speak Chinese and ordered non- spicy food for him.

  • Yes, you are so clever, your discussions show that. I thought a lot to reply to them.

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    • Hi Tom,

      I think to use a phrasebook is interesting ,useful and cheap but it is a bit hard and time consuming.

      Thanks for your reply

  • Hi dear saba
    what a point !
    well actualy i have never thought about it but i think the first thing which i will do is finding a compatriot and if i couldn't i will try to conect with someone who could speak english at least.
    In each situation we need some special sentences like shoping working doing sports etc
    Learning how to Greet is the most important topic
    we need it before any thing
    • Hi Jan,

      It's very difficult to find a compatriot but if we'll be able to find one, it's very helpful.

      Thanks for your reply.


    i dont think i ii go to countries where people wont be able to get me cuz  it must be so hard 

     as we all know the most available lang in nowadays is eng ,likewise  is that revealed reason i m learning eng for to communicate  with other people all around the world

    2 month ago i went to Iran in ur country there people dont know eng so much u know this , & i dunno persian only some simple words i got from friends here  like a do set daram , baba , ab , azizam or etc lol 

    dont think they r so useful to express my feelings  in other country but fortunatelly  in Iran there r  a lot  people know  Azerbaijani lang 

    so i didnt  have any difficulty to manage my condition 

    but if i would be a buisness woman or boss or  something related  which  i would have a necessary circumstances  for work as a  going  other  countries  where  people  cant  speak eng lot i would  take a native  translator with me , imao  there is  no other perfect solution for to rid from hard condition in alien place 

    10x u !

    • Hi Sera Azizam,

      As you said many people in Iran speak your language Azerbaijani, about one third , I'm very glad you haven't problem for communicating Iranians,

      Your choice to take a native translator is the best and the most convenient way, but it is the most expensive too.

      Thanks for your reply

      Dooset daram :)

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