To upload photos or videos to your blog or comment is easy. Just click the little camera icon just below ENTRY it is in the image below with blue square around it. The ADD AN IMAGE window will then pop up.It usually works better to click the [Choose File] just below Upload an image.
Browse to your computer to get the correct file. There are also options (click OPTIONS) to open them.
You also can link to a full size original version of the photo. You must wait while the code uploads. The code will be placed in the ENTRY screen below the point you left your cursor (hopefully below your text).
You can also add more images but you need to have your cursor outside the area of the text and other images. Videos are also added this way.The utility bar at the top is what allows you to alter your text and add content. From LEFT TO RIGHT the Icons are Bold, Italics, Underline, and Strike Through. Those deal with the text. Next is Link (that is a chain link) for hyperlinking to a website, the Camera Icon we have just discussed and finally the sheet of paper is for "Upload a file".I hope this is helpful to you and you can start adding all kinds of media that you need and you can modify the text as you prefer.
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The tools have changed since I posted this last year, but I normally just copy the address from the top of the browser on the page I want to link to. For example: This page address is with a few more characters.
There is now a Link button above the text box you write in. Reply to this and you will see a small tool bar above where you write the text. You can copy the same information from the browe=ser and insert it after pressing the link button. The link here is for the actual reply I am sending and so may not work, but I hope it gets the point across.
Thanks for the information, Sir!
And the members who use Firefox as their browser, have to click on [BROWSE] instead of [Choose File]
The tools have changed since I posted this last year, but I normally just copy the address from the top of the browser on the page I want to link to. For example: This page address is with a few more characters.
There is now a Link button above the text box you write in. Reply to this and you will see a small tool bar above where you write the text. You can copy the same information from the browe=ser and insert it after pressing the link button. The link here is for the actual reply I am sending and so may not work, but I hope it gets the point across.