How's Your Internet?

One of the benefits of living in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China was the fast internet.  Back where I live in the US, it is a rural area and the internet is not great. Recently I switched to Starlink so the internet is better now but that is a different topic slightly.

How good is your internet?


I just found a site that shows the average by region / country -

Is yours up to the average where you live?

I'm amazed the chart shows China as slow.  Maybe I was lucky living in Shenzhen but my download speeds were about 90 mb/s and uploads typically 15 to 20 mb/s.  is another site (or App) you can use to test your broadband.

My current results: 



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  • Hello Tim,

    How are you? That's good for you.

    It also relates to our gadget. I have unstabile internet.


    • That is actually not too bad - You're upload is better than mine and 12 mbps is better than I had before Starlink.  

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