Hello, I am both a student and a teacher. I love English and I started to teach it on my own.
In these days I am teaching English tenses. I would like to know how you teach tenses. I would like to hear your ways, ideas, games, etc... Everything helpful and innovative :)
I usually teach one-to-one so it is quite hard to make it interesting without other members of the group.
Thank you very much for your sharing !
Ľudmila, Slovakia
Dear Ludka, i think you can use some expample to teach tenses and make them understand.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you for your direction, Sir Jonathan.
Check out the English Club songs page on EC for learners and teachers.... They're fun!
Hi Ludka,
Interesting topic! Now I do not teach one-to-one anymore.
Tenses are related to the verb. Memorizing just some irregular verbs could be one of the first step. Let them know when to use each of the tenses, and give the examples. Then, start to explain the pattern of the tenses. This is just my thought. I think different students could have a different way or some members here could have better ways. I'm also a teacher and a learner.
I don't have any ideas of games. So, I will also be glad if someone can share about it. Thanks. :)