How can I improve my IELTS scores?

I'm going to take IELTS exams. I have taken this exam for two times and both I got overall mark of 6. Since I need the overall mark of 7.5, how can I improve my skills to obtain my needed mark?

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  • Boss try again with hard working then you can get this score good luck brother!!!!!!
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  • Hi Majid. It is important to first spend some time on your GE (General English). Of course, this has to be IELTS oriented. That you cannot achieve higher than 6 is indicative of weakness in your GE. There are numerous courses designed for that purpose. Cutting Edge coursebooks are the best I know. The books are specifically designed to help those studying for IELTS. in order to achieve band score 7.5, you need to cover the intermediate and advanced levels of the books. Then, what you need to cover IELTS is a book at the right level. For 7.5, IELTS Masterclass is excellent but it requires deep knowledge of GE. So first improve your GE by focusing on Cutting Edge intermediate and advanced. Then, study masterclass. The best outcome could be achieved if you have a tutor who can answer your questions and correct your mistakes. 

    I hope this is helpful. 

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