hi i am marifel

i just wanna be a part of this sight but I still don't know about the real purpose of this sight yet ... Is there anyone who wants to help me out??

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  • Hi Marifel I´m like you I don´t know how, where I am but I continue trying do sometihing, go ahead and we will be better my friend. see you soon.
  • Hi marifel,

    Welcome to this site! the purpose of this site is to improve our english language, making friends, sharing thoughts and ideas. The people here are willing to help us to improve our english language and also to know other cultures.

    I hope that you know your purpose why you here in this site..

    Injoy studying here..

    I wish you all the best!!!
  • Marifel asked to correct the spelling of "sight" (vision) in her first post above to "site" (website). She wrote: "Sorry to have typed a wrong spelling... ehe"
  • Thank you for the response. I really appreciate it!

    Tara Benwell said:
    This site is for making friends, practising English, and sharing things like photos, thoughts, tips, and ideas. Check out FAQ under MyEC if you have specific questions. You can also look at the Featured Members to get ideas for your own page. Don't forget to visit the FREE monthly writing challenges on my blog! Have fun!
  • This site is for making friends, practising English, and sharing things like photos, thoughts, tips, and ideas. Check out FAQ under MyEC if you have specific questions. You can also look at the Featured Members to get ideas for your own page. Don't forget to visit the FREE monthly writing challenges on my blog! Have fun!
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