¿Heart or Mind? Posted by Lara on September 27, 2011 in General Discussion ¿Why love is not guided by mind but by heart? Views: 75 You need to be a member of MyEnglishClub to add comments! Join MyEnglishClub ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Votes: 0 Email me when people reply – Follow
Ching.. :) wow I like the ways you relate them. You are very wise....thanks alot for sharing :)
I think LOVE is guided by both of them,but the love that is guided by mind continues longer unlike tha LOVE that is guided bye heart.
I could be wrong....
I didnt get you Asma. You mean Mind is stronger than Heart?
Yess exaclty!
Yes, because sometimes heart tends to cofuse people.
You are right!! We can think clearly with Mind...so Mind wins! :D
Wow, :((( but why so? that's so sad. Did anyone hurt ur feelings???
Thanks you all, most of u have similar point of views, smart words Jenny, thanks :D
I think we can't live without any one of them.
Mind is good thing and heart also.
Yeah Parveen!!! You are right, but often we take wrong decisions, and this is a consequence of love, because we dont think, we are guided by emotion, and this is a dangerous weapon if dont use it well.
What do u think?