
  • Hee hee, impossible, but doable.

    ann said:
    Ack ack who can guess the word Floccinaucinihilipilification. I think nobody. :D
    Guess what?
  • Here's a link for more info:

    And Mohammad, by the way, I don't have a problem with that. Good luck trying to convince others.

    A738a said:

    Yes! We have a winner!

    The word is RHADAMANTHINE.


    Mohammad said:

    Is it rhadamanthine ? ,,, If so, firstly I must say that I don't want to be host for the next game.  ;-)

  • Ack ack who can guess the word Floccinaucinihilipilification. I think nobody. :D
  • Thank you, dear Ann. I wantd to choose "Floccinaucinihilipilification". But
    I'm not a psycho, okay? So, you're welcome! =D

    ann said:
    Good job A738a, I have no idea such the word Rhadamanthine exists.
    Guess what?
  • Wow congratulations Mohamed!
  • Good job A738a, I have no idea such the word Rhadamanthine exists.
  • Mohammad, why do you deny to be the host? You win the game twice so please be the next host. Ladies are waiting for you!
  • Dear Mohammad,

    I wonder what your difficulties are whereas you can come in every game and give questions and guesses. :))

    Dear my friends, I would like to invite you to my old discussion talking about our game. See you there! Thank you. :)

    Good morning, all! (where ever you are) :) GUESS MY WORD is a game that everyone can guess 'A WORD' by observing the clues given. Everyone can only g…

    Mohammad! :)

  • Mid 17th cent.: from Rhadamanthus + -ine.
    Evangelina said:

    A738a, what is origin of this word?
    Guess what?
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