
Hi there!

how to write following sentence in PASSIVE VOICE?.

1. I focus on money

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    • I got it, Helena. That's what I mean. Thanks. :)

  • Firstly, I guessed it's right, Mishaikh. But, now I'm doubt.
    As my study, 'depend on' can't be changed into passive.
    example: My future depends on this test (active). This test is depended on (by) my future (incorrect passive).
    I need to enlightenment from you, or another teachers here..
    Thanks, :)
    • My future depends on this test.

      My future is depended on this test.

      This is a bit advance level.

      Your passing of this test depends upon how hard you prepare.

      Your passing of this test is depended upon how hard your prepare.

      Depending upon time I will come to see you.

      You would be seen by me depending upon time.

      When you think it over, I will talk to you.

      When it is thought over by you, you would be talked to by me.

    • Waww, Mishaikh. Wonderful explanation.. I need much time to understood, hehe

      The first four sentences, only verbs is changed. So, "depend on" can't be changed into passive? Am I wrong?

      You would be seen by me depending upon time --> "depending upon time" only as a complement.

      Some verbs that I found can't be changed into passive: occur, rise, happen, arise, fall, exist, consist (of), depend (on).

      When YOU think IT'S OVER, I will talk TO YOU. --> so this type of sentences is the same with "I focus on MONEY"?

      Thanks, Mishaikh. :)


      Also try this link for voice pratice.

    • Teacher Mishaikh, I understood the sentences you made. But what I asked is 

      Do the verbs "depend on" and "focus on" both can be changed into passive voice?

      I'm just not sure. Glad to hear your explanation. :)

      Thanks, I tried the practice and all corrected. :)

    • You must try to do with some complex sentenses, too, Onee.

  • Money is focused on by me.

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