generation gap

Have you ever fallen out with your parents? Of course you have

Have you ever felt generation gap between yourself and your parents?

In those families that parents are too older than their children member of family can not conceive each other and usually they have quarrel. Although they patch things up with together but this kind of living is bugging and not easy to take it. In this days some of teenagers are out of work and they are just consumer and even then they desire to go out with friends, do hobbies and entertainment and in worst condition some of them who are a little rude ditch their school and do what are prohibited by their parents. Majority of this teenagers do not care about earning money, job, family and so on. Mostly this children are just looking for to enjoy and have fun while their parents are trying to urge them to care about rest of their life and try to get a job but unfortunately they can not be succeed. On the other hand this teenagers act up and they talk back and eventually not only they argue all the time but also they not obey and moreover their expectances will be raised. In this situation parents try to ground their children just to shape them up. They restrict them and they consider some punishment to take them under control. This type of behaving towards children is the conclusion of different attitude towards the life. Parents and their children have no same view of life therefore they can not understand each other…

How do you control your children when you see they are acting up?

1.punishment without any limitation 2.restrict them without any punishment nothing because you believe they should handle themselves 4.try to persuade them to shape up 5. ….(add your idea if is different)

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