Hello Posted by Yunus Essa on June 16, 2020 in Introductions and General Discussion I'm Yunus,I'm here to improve my English and I want to speak about different topics in English, also to meet people around the whole world to practice and study together. stay safe. Views: 129 You need to be a member of MyEnglishClub to add comments! Join MyEnglishClub Tags: listening, reading, writing, speaking ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Votes: 0 Email me when people reply – Follow
Alash ma bigiti? Yunus, I want to be one of your friends. Add me, please. Thanks.
Welcome to this group. Carry on.
Thanks Saleh.
Nice to meet you.
Salam Yunus Essa. Ana kunt filrabat fi harat algumra. Ana kanabgi Almagreeb. Welcome Yunus to My EC! I hope to be one of your friends. Thanks.
Wa Salam Dara,
That great to hear this.
Nice to meet you.