I was surfing the internet not long ago when I ran into a video showing some cross-sex friendships. Watching the video I thought “Just friends? Really?” A second later I remembered that my high school best friend was actually a boy. We used to spend every single minute together, we were literally acting like communicating vessels, you would rarely see one of us without seeing the other one somewhere around. And all this was a completely platonic, pure, everlasting friendship… or at least we thought so till some point. After six-year friendship one of us stopped feeling okay being in the “friend zone”. For one of us (I won’t say who, but it wasn’t me :-D… I’m kidding, I won’t say who, because it doesn’t matter actually) further friendship between us, wasn’t an option any more. And that’s where everything ended up. Probably It wasn’t so unexpected end, because all people around tended to say “Cross-sex buddyhood? Come on, that’s not even a thing, such phenomenon doesn’t exist.” We heard the same statement over and over again, but we didn’t want to believe in it, we preferred to think we were different, our case was different and they were all wrong. They weren’t. Well, I guess sometimes people need to experience things by themselves first and only then they start believing in what they have been told.
“Can men and women just be friends?” This question has been discussed million times, psychologists have been digging for an answer and the answer has always turned up to be “NO”. But as we all know, times change, people change, answers change, so… Maybe some of you have different story, different end, different answer to the question?
By other hand I know some of them have like 'special rights' or they're friends with benefits, why not? It's a mutual agreement.
One sentence, but so many conflicts there. So, I couldn't get that, you like talking to women or you find them boring? Or...probably you like talking to boring people?
Reginald Mercer said:
Do you also feel like arguing with me Reg? What a surprise ¬¬
No worries, women don't miss anything if you prefer to ignore them.
"it takes two to tango" -- Obviously ¬¬
But probably you're right about the 'luck': If cases like this are an 'exception' maybe it's 'cause this world is full of morons with social prejudices and grown ups emotionally retarded... So yeah, maybe it's a question of 'luck' to find people with your same emotional intelligence.
Sounds pretty simple:) So, first, if you've already gotten a high level of self-awareness and maturity, now you should find someone like you, because it takes two to tango, right? And second, emotions are not so easily controlled sometimes. Anyway, I believe that every rule has an exception, so...Props to those who have found and managed to save such kind of friendship.
Luci said:
I think it is not bad if best friends later become something special....lol
Oh Luci, thanks for explaining what I'm lazy to do myself... I always feel lazy when I've to explain what for me is pretty obvious, so I'm glad that you speak my 'same language' and you can explain it for me in a short and clear way :D
Thanks ^_^
Is not about luck Emma, but thanks.