Nowadays, a "friend" has got different meanings to different people based on their life experiences. Some claim that their lives have taken a U-turn just because of a single person they trusted. And then there are people who consider themselves to be lucky to have even a single friend in life.

Everyday, we come across many people at institution, workplace, etc. The bond we develop with each of them depends upon how intimate we get with them. I would like to share some of my own experiences.

I remember the first day i stepped out of home into hostel to pursue my higher studies from university. I came across a duo (my immediate seniors) whom i liked a lot and since then we got bonded into a very good friendship. But one day i got to know something that broke me. I just could not believe how such good friends could use someone like that. It took me around 4 months to gather myself but eventually, i learned that it was ultimately me who gave them a chance to know me to a level that they were able to use me. They were the ones who taught me we need to define boundaries for people. Nobody can hurt us unless we allow them to. In spite of the fact that i have lost trust and faith in them and they are no more a part of my life, i still cherish the moments shared together. Time spent with them is one of the best times ever in my life.

Another example I would like to share is when i came across a mate during internship. Though she was just an internee and we did not share a very deep friendship, she was the one to make me realize that life doesn't stop. We should stop living in past and there is always something good awaiting you.

Thus, from these experiences and many more, I believe that each friend (be simply a workmate or a real close person who knows me well) holds a significant place in my life because there is always something i have learned from each one of them. Though I don't have many friends, i cherish the friendship of those who have given me an opportunity to think in a new way and therefore give a new direction to my life! 



That is what my views are friends! What are your views?? Any suggestions to make this writing more effective??


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