Do you agree that examination is a true test of one's ability.The examination in this respect could be oral or written.let's speak against or support the motion.
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Life is very different in many ways compared to a test conducted in an examination hall . An examination can't really test one's ture ability and potential as there's no garuntee that a candidate doing exceptional in an examination would be able to deal with the conflicts and hurdles which show themselves in a work place , be it in any profession or even in normal daily life .
Examination is not a true test of knowledge because in a class or group of students, there are some students who are slow learner, who only need a push before the can perform. If such studen are examined along those who learn fast, would you say they don't know or lack ability to know? No! They know but the receptive column of their brains is only slow; they have abilities and a single examination would not be enough to test their abilities. Therefore examination is not a true test of one's ability.
Besides, we have seen students who don't know how to answer questions logicall and as such have gone to cramming those areas of expections giuen to them by their teachers and have come to pass. Such students have agreed that they don't know that god has only helped them. Are such students or those who believe in an examination not helped by God? Well, you will agree with me here that God loves all, it is just that some crammed the word of some bad examiners who cannot identify cramming and self effort of understanding.
It has been seen and proved that those who don't know anything except to cheat in all ramifications so as to to pass and never be caught has disappointed those who believe the examination is a true test of one's ability. If a student should find a means of cheating without being caught, he or she would pass. Put such a person in a challenging situation, one would be astonish on his performance.
First and foremost, one could define examination as one of the ways or methods of identifying, grading, classifying and even evaluating how far a learner has gone in uderstanding what she or he has learnt as a way of measuring his or her ability.
if this is what examination is, then let us consider these points of mine which i believe will convince you to support me that examination is not a true test of one's ability.
Yes they are as a matter of fact, but sometimes circumstances become untoward for a certain individual, he/she has all the capability to get through the exam, but can't and. So as a rule this person will be called failure, but in real would he/she?
Life is very different in many ways compared to a test conducted in an examination hall . An examination can't really test one's ture ability and potential as there's no garuntee that a candidate doing exceptional in an examination would be able to deal with the conflicts and hurdles which show themselves in a work place , be it in any profession or even in normal daily life .
if this is what examination is, then let us consider these points of mine which i believe will convince you to support me that examination is not a true test of one's ability.
Yes they are as a matter of fact, but sometimes circumstances become untoward for a certain individual, he/she has all the capability to get through the exam, but can't and. So as a rule this person will be called failure, but in real would he/she?