Dream and reality...

everybody has good dreams and alway try to do it..
So, The dreams are a reality when we make efforts and often think of them
How do you think of them, different between dreams and realities?

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  • Hi,

    I am subbu an entrepreneur. What I know what I have what I think what I do everything is because of my business. Before I start my business, I had a dream about my business. But at that time, I had a little knowledge about business. So my dream was very small. Now it came true. Now, I think, I might have had a big dream. Because it might come to true. But I learnt a lot of experience. Now I have a quality to dream in big. I want to be honesty. I am updating myself. I updated my educational qualification related to the field what I belong. I have rights to dream big. After it comes to true, I must share with EC people.

    Reality is the current minute. I like reality. I enjoy it and accept it. Whatever it is I face it.

    Dreams take us to the next step of reality. If it is wrong, I think my dream may be wrong.

    • that's good idea. Could you see my blog and argue with everybody about this topic. I think this is helpful for you ^^ see you soon

  • Dreams are beautiful...................realities are sour!

    Mostly it is found in the stories that dreams are becoming realities.................but seldom to be true.

    • yep, could you see my blog and argue with everybody about this topic. I think this is helpful for you

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