don't want children

im 30 years old and dont have children, and the last thursday i went to do the vasectomy because i really don't want children, the most of my friends think im crazy, what do you think of it?

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  • I think you did a good thing taking responsibility in this way. Congratulation! There shouldn't be any unwanted children in the world at all... :((



    Are you afraid of paying the kid's expenses? or you are afraid of raising a child? One should not be deprived of good intentions because of fear.

  • Hi 

    You're not crazy,you just live the way that you like. everyone is unique,you dont have to do the same as other people do.

    people always judge the one who is different from them,just leave it.

  • People have kids 'cause that's exactly what the planet Earth needs the most...

    Tell me again why people call you crazy :P 


    • hi mary, thanks for your comment, well, i don't think that the planet earth needs more of us around,  and my friends have different motives to think that i'm crazy, some of them say that the natural way of life is to born, to grow, to breed and die, others say that i'm going to regret my desicion in some years, they have so much bad things to say about my desicion but none of it that makes me change my mind


    • Yeah well... I'm the 'sarcasm lady' here, you know....

      Anyway, tell your friends that there's a word for people who like to tell others how to live their lives. That word starts with I and ends with DIOTS.  And if you add a 'f*cking' before, it's even much more accurate.


  • YOure not crazy :) ...I am 45 years old lady, and I too dont want to have a child of my own. Different folks, different strokes thats what I believed in, its a matter of choosing what you really want in life and not to be obliged to the dictates of the society. 

  • onlu one man has left any comment on this discussion as man's point of view is also very important. A man who marries may have many reasons, but one of the reasons is to have at least a child from his wife. If you are married, you must seek agreement from your husband first that's more important than anyone's viewpoints. 

  • hahaha vasectomy and castration are not the same thing i invite you to investigate in google about it, and it took about 15 minutes and i barely felt something because of the anesthesia. thanks for your comment


  • Vasectomy-castration?! Gosh! It must be painful

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