This topic might be little bit controversial but one circumstance kinda made me think about it... I know that judging has some roots in religion...there is also in Bible sentence mentioned by Jesus: Don't judge or you too will be judged (Mathew 7:1) .The thing is that judging might be natural as we all make opinions on other people and tend to crutisize things we dislike or are against our beliefs..So my friends...tell me sincerely..Do you judge others (even not intentionally) or do you think you are innocent angel, who is able to control perfectly their mind and thoughts?
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To make the judgement, and be judgemental, needs some authority on the 'subject', at least be characterized by the norms and ethics. Sometimes the 'judge' having the authority, makes circumstantial errors.
Everyone has the 'authority' to judge him/herself, so why not let's judge ourselves rather than judging others.
Eye opening Mary! I will always remember put myself on others' shoes before I judge or criticize for our own good. Good stuff! =)
MARY said:
I agree with you about the religious roots. No matter if we are religious people or not, our cultures and society's moral codes have been influenced by that, so like it or not, it's part of our cultural background: We've been 'programmed' to compare our moral codes and principles to others and tend to think that ours are the best and the fairests.
Besides this, I think to be more or less judgemental has to do with our levels of empathy (the maths are simple: the more empathic, the less judgemental) I always try to walk in 'other people's shoes' and I really do my best for not to judge or prejudge because I know it's not fair and I might be jumping into wrong conclusions. But I think it's impossible for the human condition not to judge or 'compare' our lifestyles and life's principles with others different from ours.
Human being is complicated and contradictory...
Now... Can I judge a lil bit?...
Do you judge others?
This topic might be little bit controversial but one circumstance kinda made me think about it... I know that judging has some roots in…
Thank you for your understanding, Luci. To be honest I started to enjoy the moments where they ehem, mock people, hahahaha,. do this make me a Psycopath? lol xD anywayy they send you kisses and hugs from here. May you have a wonderful days with your family
thank you so much for posting this comment. You know, I also have kids almost at the same age like your nieces - they are 4 and 7 y/o and I have to admit that the worst is observation, checking of older people for example on the bus some test like if my kids are well-behaved etc. GRRRR - I am allergic to this :-D
I remember when I was younger and saw little kid - like two years old hysterically crying in the store, mom was doing nothing - I was like omgg what is this? :-D However, after all the things I went through and as I am now more experienced now I wouldnt take such mom as somebody who doesnt care but as somebody either totally tired of such scenes etc.
So I think as we are changing during our life - our attitude is also changed and our judging too :-D As for judging and religion - I just meant it like in many religions judging others is forbiden - that is why I mentioned it..
Thank you for participating and say hi to your nieces from aunt Luci :-D
oh noooo of course I wouldn't judge others just on the basis of some gossips - which might be not true.. I need FACTS :D I am rationalist and if I lack proves - then I don't believe :-D haha
Danny Clark said:
Dear Luci, I fully agree. But do you judge others basing on the gossips or others' opinins? I believe you don't! And I do think we should let others live like they want Luci said:
I am glad to see you here with your comment! Thanx for participating and as your opinion - judging can be of course positive I do agree that we all judge and it is our natural behaviour but I also think that we shouldnt judge somebody we don"t know so much or on the basis of some gossips we heard somewhere etc. NO - we should make our own opinion on the basis of facts we saw, heard or know... but eventually we should let others live like they want to live, dont you think so?
Danny Clark said:
Dear friends, I have been reading your comments for a few days and, as a result, I can't help leaving mine.
First of all, TO JUDGE doesn't necessarily mean to find fault with others as well as TO CRITICIZE doesn't mean only a negative reference. The word JUDGEMENT means the ability to make considered decisions or to come to sensible conclusions. I am sure, you all know about it as most of you are Europeans and I am sure you use this word in the same way in your languages. So, it is a little strange that you all started speaking only about the negative side of this matter.
And now, I'd like to comment on Luci's discussion. It would be strange if we didn't have any opinion about those we communicate with. We all always have it about each person we come in touch with. It means we judge them consciously or subconsciously. It is our nature as we are sane people. The other thing is what we do as a result and whether our preconceived opinion prevents us from making fair conclusions. I believe, we have to judge people to know whom we deal with, but our first impression or our preconceived opinion shouldn't make us blind
Do you judge others?
This topic might be little bit controversial but one circumstance kinda made me think about it... I know that judging has some roots in…
Dear Luci, I fully agree. But do you judge others basing on the gossips or others' opinins? I believe you don't! And I do think we should let others live like they want Luci said:
I am glad to see you here with your comment! Thanx for participating and as your opinion - judging can be of course positive I do agree that we all judge and it is our natural behaviour but I also think that we shouldnt judge somebody we don"t know so much or on the basis of some gossips we heard somewhere etc. NO - we should make our own opinion on the basis of facts we saw, heard or know... but eventually we should let others live like they want to live, dont you think so?
Danny Clark said:
Dear friends, I have been reading your comments for a few days and, as a result, I can't help leaving mine.
First of all, TO JUDGE doesn't necessarily mean to find fault with others as well as TO CRITICIZE doesn't mean only a negative reference. The word JUDGEMENT means the ability to make considered decisions or to come to sensible conclusions. I am sure, you all know about it as most of you are Europeans and I am sure you use this word in the same way in your languages. So, it is a little strange that you all started speaking only about the negative side of this matter.
And now, I'd like to comment on Luci's discussion. It would be strange if we didn't have any opinion about those we communicate with. We all always have it about each person we come in touch with. It means we judge them consciously or subconsciously. It is our nature as we are sane people. The other thing is what we do as a result and whether our preconceived opinion prevents us from making fair conclusions. I believe, we have to judge people to know whom we deal with, but our first impression or our preconceived opinion shouldn't make us blind
Do you judge others?
This topic might be little bit controversial but one circumstance kinda made me think about it... I know that judging has some roots in…
I am glad to see you here with your comment! Thanx for participating and as your opinion - judging can be of course positive I do agree that we all judge and it is our natural behaviour but I also think that we shouldnt judge somebody we don"t know so much or on the basis of some gossips we heard somewhere etc. NO - we should make our own opinion on the basis of facts we saw, heard or know... but eventually we should let others live like they want to live, dont you think so?
Danny Clark said:
Dear friends, I have been reading your comments for a few days and, as a result, I can't help leaving mine.
First of all, TO JUDGE doesn't necessarily mean to find fault with others as well as TO CRITICIZE doesn't mean only a negative reference. The word JUDGEMENT means the ability to make considered decisions or to come to sensible conclusions. I am sure, you all know about it as most of you are Europeans and I am sure you use this word in the same way in your languages. So, it is a little strange that you all started speaking only about the negative side of this matter.
And now, I'd like to comment on Luci's discussion. It would be strange if we didn't have any opinion about those we communicate with. We all always have it about each person we come in touch with. It means we judge them consciously or subconsciously. It is our nature as we are sane people. The other thing is what we do as a result and whether our preconceived opinion prevents us from making fair conclusions. I believe, we have to judge people to know whom we deal with, but our first impression or our preconceived opinion shouldn't make us blind
Do you judge others?
This topic might be little bit controversial but one circumstance kinda made me think about it... I know that judging has some roots in…
firstly I am happy to see you here in this discussion and also I am happy I forced you to think about judging :-D I fully got your point that judging people - like on the basis of gossips or people we dunno at all is something what makes you angry and then you want to take revenge :-) yeah I would say it is shallow attitude... I think we should keep our judgement inside of us and let others be :-) Thanx a lot for your comment..
Evangelina said:
Halloooo, it is me leaving comment here... :-))
Since yesterday I have been thinking deeply over I judge and when was the last time I judged another person...and to be completely honest, I can not really recall any particular incident.
And no, I do not think of myself as being an innocent angel or a Saint or something like that.
I know this is going to sound arrogant and haughty...I often react this way...I judge those who judge others...reason is, I do have a protective gene and if I can see other person is hurt, then I do react.
Do that make of me a less emphatic, loving, caring, kind or intelligent person...I don't think so.
Probably we all judge at certain levels, maybe more or less unconsciously. I guess one's own attitude is easier to work with than others behavior... though, I agree with Rose's comment.
I do not agree that judgmental behavior necessary is religious based or has roots in religion...if we look through time and history the scales weighs equally heavy.
:-) Thank you Luci for posting is a great discussion for doing a little introspection.
Do you judge others?
This topic might be little bit controversial but one circumstance kinda made me think about it... I know that judging has some roots in…
of course we judge on the basis of our nature - and of course our judging can be wrong but who said what is good and what is wrong, ha? :-D It is just our opinion and that is the point, I would say... So look - as I consider you smart and sexy - others can say m wrong but I know m not :D hahahaaaaaaaaaaa :-p
MARY said:
Rose, that's a good point but the question then is... How can you know that you're misjudging in your judgement? It's like saying what is 'good' or 'bad' in some situations: Depends on the moral codes you use to 'measure' it.
And there are also lot of people (usually relatives) that, with the best of their 'good intentions' say lot of judgemental sh*t as well. Just because someone's will is good doesn't mean I wanna hear their opinions about me and/or my lifestyle.
Do you judge others?
This topic might be little bit controversial but one circumstance kinda made me think about it... I know that judging has some roots in…
I fully agree with you. We all judge but the think is not to hurt others, not to put nose into their life... Thank you so much for your comment :-)
Rose said:
Dear Lucy, firstly I want to say there is a difference between to judge someone and to misjudge someone. I think, we aren't angels and so we judge people as people. All of us have our own opinion about the behaviour of others. I don't want to mention again that it shouldn't play a role whether we are religious or not. We shouldn't misjudge at this point again and we shouldn't been misjudged, too. Your topic is familiar and nobody should say he never had judged or even misjudged anyone else. I am sincere and so I have to confess that I catch myself when judging about others. But I also have to say, I never do it in evil way when I don't know the other person. I have a strong sense of justice and I get angry if someone treats someone else bad. So I try being fair. I think that is the best way to deal with each other.
Do you judge others?
This topic might be little bit controversial but one circumstance kinda made me think about it... I know that judging has some roots in…
this is what I also think - JUDGING IS NATURAL :-) In fact I fully agree with your all comment - as if it was written by me :-D Thank you so much for participating in this discussion...
Diah said:
Hi Luci, I would like to say in my point of view that judging is a part of natural human thoughts. So I say that everyone always judge for everything they will do. Judge is not always bad nor good. It depends on the situation, and sometimes it's an important thing to judge some issues so we can prevent from the bad things that will happen. However, we should have a positive mind so it won't harm or maybe hurt people.
Do you judge others?
This topic might be little bit controversial but one circumstance kinda made me think about it... I know that judging has some roots in…
To make the judgement, and be judgemental, needs some authority on the 'subject', at least be characterized by the norms and ethics. Sometimes the 'judge' having the authority, makes circumstantial errors.
Everyone has the 'authority' to judge him/herself, so why not let's judge ourselves rather than judging others.
Eye opening Mary! I will always remember put myself on others' shoes before I judge or criticize for our own good. Good stuff! =)
MARY said:
Thank you for your understanding, Luci. To be honest I started to enjoy the moments where they ehem, mock people, hahahaha,. do this make me a Psycopath? lol xD anywayy they send you kisses and hugs from here. May you have a wonderful days with your family
Luci said:
oh noooo of course I wouldn't judge others just on the basis of some gossips - which might be not true.. I need FACTS :D I am rationalist and if I lack proves - then I don't believe :-D haha
Danny Clark said:
Dear Luci, I fully agree. But do you judge others basing on the gossips or others' opinins? I believe you don't! And I do think we should let others live like they want
Luci said:
I am glad to see you here with your comment! Thanx for participating and as your opinion - judging can be of course positive I do agree that we all judge and it is our natural behaviour but I also think that we shouldnt judge somebody we don"t know so much or on the basis of some gossips we heard somewhere etc. NO - we should make our own opinion on the basis of facts we saw, heard or know... but eventually we should let others live like they want to live, dont you think so?
Danny Clark said:
Dear Eva,
firstly I am happy to see you here in this discussion and also I am happy I forced you to think about judging :-D I fully got your point that judging people - like on the basis of gossips or people we dunno at all is something what makes you angry and then you want to take revenge :-) yeah I would say it is shallow attitude... I think we should keep our judgement inside of us and let others be :-) Thanx a lot for your comment..
Evangelina said:
of course we judge on the basis of our nature - and of course our judging can be wrong but who said what is good and what is wrong, ha? :-D It is just our opinion and that is the point, I would say... So look - as I consider you smart and sexy - others can say m wrong but I know m not :D hahahaaaaaaaaaaa :-p
MARY said:
Dear Rose,
I fully agree with you. We all judge but the think is not to hurt others, not to put nose into their life... Thank you so much for your comment :-)
Rose said:
Dear Diah,
this is what I also think - JUDGING IS NATURAL :-) In fact I fully agree with your all comment - as if it was written by me :-D Thank you so much for participating in this discussion...
Diah said: