
  • Every woman has a 6th sense. It means the feeling you get when something bad or not good is about to happen. A feeling for example that if you go into a forest someone will attack you.

  • I can't understand what yu mesn six sense
  • @David&Anxa, Ok, then call it 'intuition' or 'survival instinct', but not '6th sense'... Because we start making up new fictional 'senses' and who knows what else we make up next... deities or stuff like that :P

  • I have 6th sense..... most of us do have ... common sense.. 

  • I think I do have 6th sense am not sure guys sometimes I see things in my dreams and not all some things gets true is it my 6th sense???
  • hahaha 6th sense? Really?... You're expecting too much from the human fella. I'm afraid it's more easy to find ppl with no-sense than with an extra sense XD

    But just out of curiosity... How it's supposed to be that 6th sense? Like...



    Because in that case, I might have that sense when I add an extra 'little helper'...


    Sorry, I can't help it... I can't take this seriosly XD

  • Everyone has all senses .Just as almost everyone has the senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, likewise everyone has the 6th sense. Of course, there are some people who have unfortunately lost one or more of their senses, due to injury or illness, but in general everyone has all of these senses.

    Since the 6th sense is a very weak sense, many people go through life without realizing their extra capabilities.

    Just like some people have sharper vision than most other people, some people also have a more sensitive 6th sense than others.

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