Do you blieve the ghost?

I'm from Japan.

One of the most famous ghost in Japan is HANAKO in toilet.

She is in school's toilet.

You asks her "Is there HANAKO here?"  HANAKO says "Yes"

After that She attacks you.

Do you blieve the ghost?

Please tell me the ghost's story in your country.

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    • Scared. I can not go to the toilet any longer.

  • Goodness gracious!

    I was so silly when I was dreaming to visit Japan one day. Ghost in the bathroom. it's incredible. How can anyone to relax in Japanese restroom without the fear of being drag away by a ghost through a toilet ? Lucky me, I came across this post. I will never ever go to Japan. I don't want to sink in the toilet on Japanese soil.

    Only joking. :)

    By the way. What's going on with the souls dragged people ?

  • Ahahahahahahahahhahaha! :D

    If it attacks you whenever you ask that question, then why do you do that????

    I am sure, that in Ukraine we have some stories about the ghosts, but I don't know them.

    Well, one of such stories is about the supernatural creatures, living in the forest. I don't know how to translate it's name in English, but in Ukrainian language it is "Лісова Мавка" = "Forest Mavka". It is something similar to the nymph.

    But for more than 20 years walking through the forest at day and sometimes at night, I have never seen it.

  • Is it a joke of the day ?:)

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