
Hi all! I have to do debate next two weeks. And my topic is Studying Grammar is more importance than practicing. Who can show me some ideas? Thanks your favor

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  • Practicing includes : reading, speaking, listening or writing and all this aspects imply grammar, so your question is a bit incorrect I think.
  • Unfortunately, I didn't understand your question well. Studying grammar is important than practicing? what kind of practicing? would you please explain it?
    • It means to learn by speaking
    • Let me get this straight. Do you mean your teacher gave you two topics that you can agree w or disagree...the first option is we learn how to speak English by studying grammar. The second is we shouldn't study grammar and only practice speaking. So, now, which one we agree with? Do you mean this?  
    • Yeah!!!could you please give me some idea?
    • My answer to this question is we need to practice both, grammar and speaking itself. The reason is if you don't study grammar, you can't speak English properly and correctly. And, in real life situation, it's really embarassing to make grammatical mistakes. Another is we should practice speaking so that we can use all those grammar rules in our conversations. However, to practice speaking, we shouldn't spend so much of our time on studying grammar. let's say only 20 % of our time. And, 80% of our time should be spent on practicing speaking. And, speaking would be improved only by speaking. The more you speak, the better you get! So, both studying grammar and practicing speaking can help us to speak well.
    • thanks for helping me
    • was it helpful? You are very welcome.
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