
  • Because an important part of income of government comes from cigarettes... via taxes... So government doesn't want to lose so much money and allow them.

    • Thanks a bundle for your reply...It means we just live for money,afterall m oney makes the world go round...

    • Same about drugs. In some countries drugs are “national product”. In Bolivia, farmers cultivate cocaine and they live from its income (at least some years ago, i don't know about now), and politicians turns a blind eye because it fills the coffer of government.

      Government doesn't care about people's health, people should change their mind... There are already a lot of campaign against smoking. Watch this video, it is interesting.

    • well let me admit i myself smoke but atleast i admit and i know am doing wrong and it sucks..Celebrities should be blamed also who make it a habit to do  and project nonsense stuff in the name of "cool"  because they are the people younger generations idealize which is again a ridiculous thing...btw thanks for your input again

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