Complete the sentence :)

Hi everybody. I know that everone has regrets and dreams in this life. So, lets complete the sentence and see the dreams of each other. Please mention reasons :)

One day, I will ............... 

Have fun my friends :)

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  • One day I'll rule the world, untill then I'm going to bed.

  • Exactly, I am not sure!
  • Really? So... what are you now? :/

    Mishaikh said:

    I be a real human being. (may be)

    Complete the sentence :)
    Hi everybody. I know that everone has regrets and dreams in this life. So, lets complete the sentence and see the dreams of each other. Please mentio…
  • One day I'll be... hitchhiking and I hope Estanis is gonna pull over his caravan to pick me up :P

    Estanis's Discussions
    Estanis's Discussions | MyEnglishClub (MyEC), your page in English
  • Change.
  • One day, I will become fluent in English.

  • I be a real human being. (may be)

  • One day, I will buy a big caravan and will spend most of my lifetime traveling throughout Europe.
  • One day I will be better
  •  one day i will become a billionaire ..

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