
can we chat with added members.can we use the lower side bar for this? but i cannot use it to contact our friends online.Thanx

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  • Do you have Flashplayer 10 installed (free) on your browser? Just Google "flashplayer" to find the right one for your browser/OS.

    Any time you have a problem like this, the first thing to do is try a different browser on the same computer (if you have one, eg Firefox instead of Internet Explorer), and if you can't do that try a different computer (eg in an internet cafe). This will help you decide whether the problem is with the website or with your computer or your browser.

    Also, when asking for technical help it always makes sense to state:
    1. your browser (eg Firefox, Safari, MSIE)
    2. your OS or Operating System (eg Windows Vista, Mac OS X)
    3. what exactly happens when you have a problem (eg any error message etc)
  • Thanx.but i tried with lower bar but its not working.anyway thnx Tara.

    Tara Benwell said:
    Please note:

    1. For the new Chat you need to have the (latest) Flash player on your browser (free download).

    2. There is a Chat bar across the bottom of your screen. You can see this on every page in MyEC. On the right of the bar you will see: "MyEnglishClub (x members online)" and then a little diagonal arrow and a person symbol and a green or red disc. Click the arrow to make Chat pop up in a new floating window. The green disc means you are online. Click it to change to red so other people don't see you online. Click "MyEnglishClub (x members online)" to open Chat, and click it again to close Chat

    To contact friends privately go to their MyPage and click "Send a message" (on the left side under the picture).
  • Please note:

    1. For the new Chat you need to have the (latest) Flash player on your browser (free download).

    2. There is a Chat bar across the bottom of your screen. You can see this on every page in MyEC. On the right of the bar you will see: "MyEnglishClub (x members online)" and then a little diagonal arrow and a person symbol and a green or red disc. Click the arrow to make Chat pop up in a new floating window. The green disc means you are online. Click it to change to red so other people don't see you online. Click "MyEnglishClub (x members online)" to open Chat, and click it again to close Chat

    To contact friends privately go to their MyPage and click "Send a message" (on the left side under the picture).
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