Why people need rules? Of course that there should always exist some basic rules such as to kill sb is immoral, to steal sth is unfair etc but isn't it little bit weird that society, religion give us instructions how to live our life? Do we need them?I think it is all based on the fear.. if u don't follow restrictions, you will be punished (by court, God etc.). So to have obedient society, we are kept in respect or fear from being punished. Don't u think so? We have no choice to make decission because those restrictions forbid choice, they teach us from little kids to follow blindly what our parents followed too.. What do you think about it? Are we such "wild brainless animals" that we don't know what is good or bad for us and instead follow restrictions, which order us what to do?
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Yes. You reflected my mind exactly. Fear controls our actions so it means that we do not have the freedom to do our favourite things if we have fear.
1. if we fear that others would laugh at us, we would not dance like a freak.
2. if we fear that god would punish me, we would not fight and make fun of our friends.
3. if we fear that our parents will not accept our decisions, we would not fall in love.
4. if we fear that we would die soon, we would not enjoy the tasty food.
5. if we fear that we are insecure, we would not go for skydiving, trekking or travelling to an unknown country.
I would modify your statement a little bit. "To not have any rule" is a rule actually :P. So there is a need for one rule, that one rule should be designed by us, not by others. And this is mine. "We have the freedom to do anything we want, without affecting others' freedom to do anything they want"
You are missig the point here, the point is that "the society should tell it's wise to drive in one side to avoid accidents" but they shouldn't tell us to drive left. There is a difference between having a common opinion and following a rule. in the first case, it was our decision.
YoBo.. thanx for your reply. I do agree that there should be some law as for basic things that would reduce of course criminality etc. But what about rape? Don't u think that if men are raised in a way that woman isn't sexual object but human being who isn't a thing...then there isnt need of any restrictions? ok there are perverts but there are also men... who are animals and cant control themself.. why? nobody taught them how to respect a woman.. that is my opinion..
Well, my point is society can learn the basic rules to prevent crimes etc. People think that they have good morality and feel confidence with their morality. Mothers probably think that they are successful to educate their sons to respect women and not to treat women as sexual objects.
But, when the situations change and the law is absence, I believe what will happen just like the examples above. Were those rapists men who couldn't control themselves? Maybe, but there is also systematic rape where people rape to control and spread fear among women. If you learn more about other cultures, there is even culture that consider rape as a punishment. In certain countries where the societies don't approve homosexuality, there is what we call rape correction, when the parents of a lesbian allow their daughter to be raped so she can be "normal". Sorry, this explanation is explicit but I think it's necessary.
Maybe you think that it is something that is happening in other cultures, far away where you live. But, there are floods of immigrants in Europe and the USA, and these people have different cultures and norms. There will be some clashes of cultures that will turn into conflicts and crimes.
The reality is each of us has a dark side that we hide. In normal situation, many people appear like they have strong morality, but what happens when they are allowed to do whatever they want? Well, they will do unimaginable things.
Even now in the internet, I have met people who claim that they are nice, polite, shy people in the real lives but in the internet they act very nasty. Why? It is simply because they can just go away. There are no consequences, there are no laws in their countries about cyber lives. They hide behind the anonymity. Things will be different if there are laws about this if people can be punished for what they do in the internet.
The answer of your questions can be known when you answer these questions: -Why in the times of riots where there are no law enforcement around people loot, kill, rob, steal and rape? And why those people who do these crimes when the laws are absence are not criminals or thugs but regular, ordinary people? -Why when wars happen, soldiers and even civilians in particular situations for instance when there are no law enforcement or when they are sure that they can get away they kill, rob, steal and rape?
The reality is when the law is absence, people will do whatever they want to do even in the normal situation (or when there is a law and punishment)they act like normal people with some morals. And sadly those things they want to do are the nasty ones.
Also take example when people were still allowed to have guns without courts, judges and laws like in the west with the cowboy world. People killed or be killed, stole, raped, looted. The strongest ones that time trampled on the weak and did whatever they wanted. Well, that is still true even until now.
People always ask why law is necessary, why should there be police or military? We have some morals, we can protect ourselves, etc. Well, you may have some morals, and strong, but some other people maybe immoral and or weak. And we should not be that confident with our own morality, especially if we never been in extreme situations when our morality and moral values are tested and are pushed to their limits. You might be surprised to see who you really are..
Yes. You reflected my mind exactly. Fear controls our actions so it means that we do not have the freedom to do our favourite things if we have fear.
1. if we fear that others would laugh at us, we would not dance like a freak.
2. if we fear that god would punish me, we would not fight and make fun of our friends.
3. if we fear that our parents will not accept our decisions, we would not fall in love.
4. if we fear that we would die soon, we would not enjoy the tasty food.
5. if we fear that we are insecure, we would not go for skydiving, trekking or travelling to an unknown country.
I would modify your statement a little bit. "To not have any rule" is a rule actually :P. So there is a need for one rule, that one rule should be designed by us, not by others. And this is mine. "We have the freedom to do anything we want, without affecting others' freedom to do anything they want"
You are missig the point here, the point is that "the society should tell it's wise to drive in one side to avoid accidents" but they shouldn't tell us to drive left. There is a difference between having a common opinion and following a rule. in the first case, it was our decision.
Well, my point is society can learn the basic rules to prevent crimes etc. People think that they have good morality and feel confidence with their morality. Mothers probably think that they are successful to educate their sons to respect women and not to treat women as sexual objects.
But, when the situations change and the law is absence, I believe what will happen just like the examples above. Were those rapists men who couldn't control themselves? Maybe, but there is also systematic rape where people rape to control and spread fear among women. If you learn more about other cultures, there is even culture that consider rape as a punishment. In certain countries where the societies don't approve homosexuality, there is what we call rape correction, when the parents of a lesbian allow their daughter to be raped so she can be "normal". Sorry, this explanation is explicit but I think it's necessary.
Maybe you think that it is something that is happening in other cultures, far away where you live. But, there are floods of immigrants in Europe and the USA, and these people have different cultures and norms. There will be some clashes of cultures that will turn into conflicts and crimes.
The reality is each of us has a dark side that we hide. In normal situation, many people appear like they have strong morality, but what happens when they are allowed to do whatever they want? Well, they will do unimaginable things.
Even now in the internet, I have met people who claim that they are nice, polite, shy people in the real lives but in the internet they act very nasty. Why? It is simply because they can just go away. There are no consequences, there are no laws in their countries about cyber lives. They hide behind the anonymity. Things will be different if there are laws about this if people can be punished for what they do in the internet.
The answer of your questions can be known when you answer these questions:
-Why in the times of riots where there are no law enforcement around people loot, kill, rob, steal and rape? And why those people who do these crimes when the laws are absence are not criminals or thugs but regular, ordinary people?
-Why when wars happen, soldiers and even civilians in particular situations for instance when there are no law enforcement or when they are sure that they can get away they kill, rob, steal and rape?
The reality is when the law is absence, people will do whatever they want to do even in the normal situation (or when there is a law and punishment)they act like normal people with some morals. And sadly those things they want to do are the nasty ones.
Also take example when people were still allowed to have guns without courts, judges and laws like in the west with the cowboy world. People killed or be killed, stole, raped, looted. The strongest ones that time trampled on the weak and did whatever they wanted. Well, that is still true even until now.
People always ask why law is necessary, why should there be police or military? We have some morals, we can protect ourselves, etc. Well, you may have some morals, and strong, but some other people maybe immoral and or weak. And we should not be that confident with our own morality, especially if we never been in extreme situations when our morality and moral values are tested and are pushed to their limits. You might be surprised to see who you really are..