Astrology/ magic

Do you believe in astrology?

Is there any relation between astrology and magic? 

If you were born under the sign of Capricorn, would you be a successful person? 

Some people use astrology or magic to gain money. 

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  • I believe in astrology. Some good astrologists can tell the future problems, what is going to be happen to you. They can aware you with giving some tips.

  • Asante sana, my lady, Molemane. Both persons use deception. They are just imposters. Thanks, Mole.

    • Thanks Molemane for pressing the like button. 

  • Not really sure of their relation,how do they relate if I may ask you dear dara

  • Saya harap kabar anda baik, Yola. Senyum anda memang cantik, dan saya suka nya. By the will of God, you will succeed. Lovely ladies always do. Thanks for your comment.

  • Valo achi tume, Bet? Me likewise. Thanks for your comment on astrology and magic.

  • im capricorn but still not success hehhehe

  • I do not believe.

  • Oh mon dieu, mon ami, Aboulaye Kamagate. merci! You have given the discussion its perfect answers and I hope that the members will read your useful and nice comment. As the matter of fact, it is an article by itself. It's true that the article is by that writer Ugur Alkan, but it covers most of the aspect of the discussion, religiously, and scientifically. Thanks, Kamagate for choosing it for us to seek knowledge from that nice article.  

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