Hello All friends,


let's have little fun here. As we have "Wordless Wednesdays" in which everybody should write a comment about a picture and the best comment will be announced, here a question will be asked and the best answer would be the winner.

The question is: Why does not glue stick to the bottle that contains it?


Take care and have fun!

 The Winners are Nighthawk and Shabeen!


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  • Thanks a lot Shabeen for your nice comment. By the way, I'm your sis not bro. Have a nice time and thanks a lot! Take care!

  • You got me Nighthawk. I just keep my poker face not saying anything to see what others say. Thanks a lot for your nice comment. (smiling)


    Hello, Nafis! 

    If I’m not mistaken, you want to know…

    Why doesn’t the glue inside a glue bottle stick to that bottle?

    I  could  tell  from  the  first respondent's reply that many may think that you're referring to gluing a broken bottle together! ;-)

    Please  forgive  me  if  you  find  that  I'm  poking my nose into your business! :-(  

    • Hi,

      Dear Gabriel, not at all! Thanks a lot for writing it again. I understood the question so I thought it's clear. But, I changed it a little bit. I hope it's more clear now. What I meant was that glue in the tube or bottle doesn't stick to the surface of the tube but when you use it for other things, it sticks. Why? Thanks a lot for your correction and comment. Have a nice time!

    • These are very nice questions but maybe there are funny answers to your questions. But, this one has a real and scientific answer. Think and you will find the answer...hehehehehe...YOU CAN DO IT! 

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    • Dear Mamad, no, when you buy a tube or bottle of glue, the glue doesn't stick to the surface of the tube. So, I was wondering why? hehehehehehe...

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