
  • I think that difficult times may continue to come in many countries. We need to strengthen our alliance with God.🌟

    • Buenas dias amiga! Once again, thanks for pressing the like button.

    • Concordo com voce, querida seniora. I absolutely, agree with you, my respected lady.  If we have faith in God, things will go better. Thanks for your true feelings.

    • Muito obrigado Josi! Thanks for pressing the like button.

    • Boa fardi Josi! Obrigado! I hope many of our dreams will come true. Thanks for your nice comment.

    • Thank you too Salah!🙏🎆

      God bless your plans and your family for all year round!

    • mama jojo

  • Dear Salah

    Since I have left my job because I have reached a particular age I would like to spend more time with my favourite things like learning a new language, improving my piano lessons, helping my family members and staying healthy.

     Happy New Year to you and your family!

    • Wow wow Sia! Kamu gadis prempuan. Thanks for your kind wishes lovely lady. Happy New Year! 

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