Hi guys I've got a good one here for you to try out. It's amazingly accurate if you just stick to the rules. There are only three questions and if you see them all before finishing you will not have honest results. Go down slowly and do each exercise as you scroll down. Don't look ahead. Get pencil and paper to write your answers as you go along. You will need it at the end. This is an honest questionnaire, which will tell you a lot about your true self. Remember no cheating and looking it up on Google, write the first thing that comes to mind, be honest and candid with your answers because there are no right and wrong answers. You can write your answers on the comment section and I'll write the interpretations here tomorrow. Hope to see your answers here! :)
1. Put the following 5 animals in the order of your preference
a. Cow
b. Tiger
c. Sheep
d. Horse
e. Pig
2. Write one word that describes each one of the following
a. Dog
b. Cat
c. Rat
d. Coffee
e. Sea
3. Think of someone (who also knows you and is important to you) that you can relate them to the following colors: (Please do not repeat your answer twice. Name just one person for each color.)
a. Yellow
b. Orange
c. Red
d. White
e. Green
Sounds like fun. Thanks for sharing.
Not really match, I think, a half true, a half not. But, it's fun anyway. Thanks, Alice. ^^
Hi guys thank you so much for taking the test! Here are the results for your answers. If they happen to match your personality profile, how great is that huh? But if it didn't well at the very least you had a bit of a thrill testing yourself with this fun test. So here it goes:
1. The order you put the animals will define your priorities in your life.
Cow: signifies CAREER
Tiger Signifies PRIDE
Sheep Signifies LOVE
Horse Signifies FAMILY
Pig Signifies MONEY
2. Your description of dog implies YOUR OWN PERSONALITY.
Your description of cat implies the personality of your partner.
Your description of rat implies the personality of your enemies.
Your description of coffee is how you interpret SEX.
Your description of the Sea implies your own life.
3. Yellow: Someone you will never forget.
Orange: Someone you consider your true friend.
Red: Someone that you really love.
White: Your twin soul.
Green: Someone that you will remember for the rest of your life.
Godspeed everyone! :)
Tiger - horse - cow - sheep - pig
faithful - cute - filth - drug - vastness
She - teacher - wife - mother - me
1)Horse- tiger- sheep- cow- pig
2)barking or patting- milk- rat chef animation movie- great- travel
3)I don't know about the 3rd question but I'm waiting for answers of these 2 questions... thanks for this funny post...
Dog ----- friend
Cat------ cute
Rat------- corruption
Coffee------ happiness
Yellow------ aunt
Orange -----me !
Green------friend (another friend)
Dog: faithful/ loyal
Cat: clever/sharp
Rat: innocent
Cofee: deep/ strong
Sea: pure/ love
Yellow: relative
Orange: friend
Red: will be someone
White: parent
Green: siblings
Thanks for sharing
Oh funny stuff! Let's see what crazy result do I get! :D
1. Tiger
2. Horse
3. Sheep
4. Cow
5. Pig
Dog: Annoying
Cat : Awesome! (of course! haha)
Rat: Survivor
Coffee: Mornings
Sea: Infinite
Ok, for the last question I'll pick EC members:
Yellow - Estanis
Orange - noaslpls
Red - Evangelina
White - Elen
Green - Alice E.
2. Dog: brave
Cat: sharp-tongued
Rat: scaring
Coffee: bitter
Sea: large
3. Yellow: sister, orange: husband, red: brother in law, white: niece, green: mother