Basically, The Chaos theory states that if we do not look after the pennies, we will never get rich.For example (after every statement give proof)If you are doing accounts and you leave out all the small amounts such as, .00035 + .00012 + .00076, or you leave out all the butterflies flapping wings, or you having passed wind. (Sorry! Fart was verboten) You will not have the correct answer. Hence, Your Results are never able to predict the weather precisely.Now, If the white house throws out all the small facts from an issue. The result would be Chaos.That what happen in Iraq.So exactly when do we know we are right or wrong?When is the information you are getting correct. As a teacher it is important.An International school American Young teacher, my adjective order is not wrong, I, on purpose, put Young at the back, told a Chinese mother to visit her, the reason being, The Chinese woman’s son had learning disabilities. I was pulled into it as an interpreter.The Chinese woman and I listened to the teacher’s story. She, the teacher, had taught children in America and they had learnt very fast. I mentioned that the child could speak Burmese, Chinese, and you could say broken English and was good in Math’s, those were not symptoms of learning disabilities.She said she was sure.So after, we visited a shrink, and wasted an amount which a poor man could live in style for a year. The Shrink found the child had a high I.Q.Our cultures norms are not those of others. You have a responsibility to have the facts and understand other people’s norms if you are teaching in another country. Because I am an American or any other nationality, I am right is wrong.'All that we know is, nothing can be known.'Lord Byron (1788 - 1824)He who knows does not talk; he who talks does not know.AnonymousKorean proverb.I have taken this quotation from a very prestigious Encyclopedia. It basically means No one can talk for nothing can be known so only a fool will talk. But We have to talk to share then we should make sure what we say is correct or we should say nothing.The above saying is by Dr Su Zuki, It come from the Zen Doctrine.(should have known that)