yesterday has gone away

yesterday has gone away. can you forget some thing bad happened to you?

but i think at list we should try to do.

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  • Kul aam wa antum bekhair! Yugal, ma mada, fat, wa almaamalu gaibun, wa laka assaa allati anta fiha. Arju un akoon wahidan min asdigai ya halma. I hope to be one of your friends. 

  • thx Sara Good luck for u too

  • I go with Sara's comment.  She has closed the ocean in a cup.

  • thank u'r right. but i do not mean the new year but rather i mean any bad memory happened to us. 

  • Look forward to a better tomorrow, Halima!  Actually, there is no new year to come, it is just the continuation of the past but it was done so like this to give us hope, to start anew, to revive, and to strengthen for man feels better when starting anew.

    Who doesn't like a fresh start, anyway?

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