Laura was born and brought up in Mauritius, but still she didn't forgot the customs and cultural values of her father's hometown. She borne her luggage at the airport and didn't felt embarrassed and, cozily embraced her mother. When they reached home, she displaced some of the things in her room and, after few hours she replaced them back. Her mother noticed that she was upset or maybe tired that's why she behaved weirdly. Her mother put a coal in the grate as it was so cold outside, Laura exclaimed! great mom, I was going to ask you to burn the grate. She was a good human and loved to treat everyone in a humane manner, she was neither idle nor she liked to worship idols.
Looking forward to senior's corrections.
Bob Sir, thanks a lot for passing by, I shall use the edit option in my blogs. :)
I agree with Doc's suggestions. Also she didn't felt feel embarrassed. You can choose Options and then Edit blog. That way you have a corrected version after you publish the changes. If I see that I made a mistake or want to add something I always edit my blogs.
I shall try to write my next blog, using your words.
More such words:
naples - nipple - nepal
Venus - venice - venous - vein
potent - patent - impotent - important
In my sense it meant "she carried her luggage"
The first form of "Bore" is "Bear" which is called "base form", second form is "Bore" which is "past simple" and "Borne/Born" is "past participle." I learned it after Expector's correction.
What is the meaning of 'she bore her luggage'?
Thanks for the correction Expector Sir, I really feel bad when I make silly mistakes. I am ready to accept every challenge, I really want to learn.
Thanks a lot everyone for admiring my work. :))
Anah, I really like your own way of introducing and sharing confusing words..Go on Dear , you are doing a great job..;)
Yes Expector, you are right.
as it is