for this new year 2010 the best wish for all of us is to live in harmony with each other ,to give a smile and not a punch,to help the ones who are in need,MY INGREDIENTS:--Desire--Determination--Feeling--Smile--Courage--Faith--LoveDIRECTIONS:before doing any thing you must have the DESIRE and the DETERMINATION.Say to your self:i want to change for better my life,i have to perfect my relation with others,i have to be human...have always positive FEELING ,the feeling hidden in your deep inside ,share it with others ...SMILE to others,it can be the best gift that you can give them...
Have the COURAGE to face the different obstacles that can prevent you for reaching your aims...Keep always the FAITH ,and be sure that there is a wonderfull power which help you when you want help others...LOVE your familly,your friends,your neighbours, nature,animals,love every thing that can give you a moment of happiness ...i hope that my recipe will reach your hearts because it comes from the deep of mine
Hi..the part where you talked about loving everything that make us happy touched me the most..your words seem to come out from a person who have been through a lot, but who is very courageous and still able to smile and see good in others..Love your recipe...
hi my friends JAMEL & MOHAMMED,
thank you for comments,you are right dear jamel ,action makes change...
but sometimes when we haven't the opportunity to speak or to do something ,we can at least write and hope that lot of persons will read and share the same feelings.
thank you another time .
I wish like you that , That words will change things around us , but I want each one who really hold this good values and attitude to come forward and stand up for Human Rights and more his action we will make the change....!!
life seems easier if all people will join us in that task. there won't be hell.all of us we'll reach paradise.oh God!I 'm afraid I won't find a place with my poor children whould be too tight haaaaha.I'm joking.
if my recipe has reached your heart ,so i can tell you that my heart has expressed his feelings & so happy to hear such comment!!
dear TARA the mistake was in:--wonderful --family
thank you my friend this way i will never do these mistakes!!!
thank you for comments,you are right dear jamel ,action makes change...
but sometimes when we haven't the opportunity to speak or to do something ,we can at least write and hope that lot of persons will read and share the same feelings.
thank you another time .
I wish like you that , That words will change things around us , but I want each one who really hold this good values and attitude to come forward and stand up for Human Rights and more his action we will make the change....!!
if my recipe has reached your heart ,so i can tell you that my heart has expressed his feelings & so happy to hear such comment!!
dear TARA the mistake was in:--wonderful --family
thank you my friend this way i will never do these mistakes!!!
Here is an extra challenge: "Can you find two places in your recipe where you have doubled the "l" incorrectly?"
it's kind of you , thanks for reading it
Good day!