Yes, everyday we are facing a lot of problems around us. In true sense , we are bound to bear them. But, to me, the biggest challenge is Lack of proper education. I am sure, you may notice, I am going to describe a topic which may sound a bit weird!

We, almost everybody, knows what is education, right? Yes, education is that thing which brings positive changes to a person after getting it. But what we see? A lot of people around us who have higher degree from reputed and well known institutes but in real sense are they educated?  I am very much concern about this idea from my early age and I can't stop sharing this view with you.

Of course, there is no question that we should be educated but my concern is, we should be proper educated and along with it self educated. I have seen a lot of educated (have higher degree) people who are not educated in true sense. If person throw their waste products in an improper way, should we say, they are educated?

And, what if, when I return my sweet home after doing 8 hours office work and be bound to be careful getting spite here and there. How do you think, if a person doesn't visit another house for his/her kid's exams purpose and never bothers to visit your place during your kid's exam! Should I say more? Yes, I must add some other points to make it clear.

How does it look like, if the so called educated person always praise themselves. What do you think, if they never bother to say any positive remarks to another person after a completion! Don't you think, we should be respectful more to the elderly persons around us after being educated? Shouldn't we be more frank and polite and sensitive in a positive way after passing every final exam?

If we don't learn to think that we shouldn't wastage water and gas for the rest of the people, if we don't learn to feel others sorrows then,are we really educated? Please, think twice.

Are you laughing? Please, don't laugh. But, yes, it is not a tough thing to minimize. Our concern and willingness can solve the problem though not in a wink! And,you see, if we try to solve this sort of problem, we could get a better world than today. At least, some people may exhale with satisfaction.

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  • Uncle Bob, I agreed with you.
  • Thanks for sharing Rim. I also have known a few highly educated people that didn't have common sense. They knew how to study and write to get a doctorate, but didn't really know how to properly relate to other people.

  • Nowadays, some people are thinking of getting higher degrees not getting knwoledge for improvement. Thanks for sharing, Rim.

  • Agree with you. And, hey Rim, I'm laughing, but not at you after reading this blog, but to myself....:D :D because I have prepared similar topic as yours. Wondering....shall I post...??? Okay, I'll do it because it's great reading different views on the same topic. :)

  • Well good blog post!
    Generally speaking, education is panacea for all social diseases, but what we learn by our observation that highly educated people involve in damaging this society morally and physically. Scientists, politicians, and bureaucrats are group of well educated, but what role mostly they play in the society, nothing is hidden nor need to mention. what I know the main role of education can play is to help us figure out greatness and making it possible to put it into practice. Otherwise, acquiring education means nothing but increasing numbers of degrees.
  • This is such an interesting topic. I mean looking at some people with higher degrees makes me think like, there people must be the kids in schools who hands up for every single thing just to take the attention. 

  • Rim, you chose sth very interesting! I fully agree with you and would like to add that the worst situation is if silly ppl with degree get power and try to misuse it..
  • Thanks everybody but I am wondering when I would be able to write flawlessly !

  • Yes, everyday we are facing a lot of problems. In true sense, we are bound to bear them. But, to me, the biggest challenge is Lack of proper education. I am sure, you may notice, I am going to describe a topic which may sound a bit weird!

    We know very well what is education, right? Yes, education is that thing which brings positive changes to a person who gets it. But what we see? A lot of people around us who have higher degrees from reputed and well known institutes, but in real sense are they educated? I am very much concern about this idea from my early age and I can't stop sharing this view with you.

    Of course, there is no question that we should be educated but my concern is, we should be proper educated and along with it self educated. I have seen a lot of educated (have higher degrees) people who are not educated in true sense. Education would have not put an impact upon them to make them civilized. If person throws his/her wastes in an improper way, should we say, they are educated?

    And, what if, when I return my sweet home after doing 8 hours office work and be bound to be careful getting spits all over the place, how do you think, if a person doesn't visit another house for his/her kid's exams purpose and never bothers to visit your place during your kid's exam! Should I say more? Yes, I must add some other points to make it clear.

    How does it look like, if the so called educated person always praise themselves. What do you think, if they never bother to say any positive remarks to another person after a completion! Don't you think, we should be respectful more to the elderly persons around us after being educated? Shouldn't we be more frank and polite and sensitive in a positive way after passing every final exam?

    If we don't learn to think that we shouldn't waste water and gas so that other people can uilize it. if we don't learn to feel others sorrows then, are we really educated? Please, think twice.

    Are you laughing? Please, don't laugh. But, yes, it is not a tough thing to minimize. Our concern and willingness can solve the problem though not in a wink! And, you see, if we try to solve this sort of problem, we could get a better world than today. At least, some people may exhale with satisfaction.

  • Nice work, Rim.

    You really have a point there. Education can be such a problem. And, I agree that high degree isn't equal to good behavior. 

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