"He" Was There

I really felt my neck was being kissed by someone behind when I was half-sleeping. To my surprise, my eyes were immediately opened and saw my cow doll that then I never put there anymore.

Note: No romantic comments. It was just scary for Jinn was there.

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  • Lady Anne, Lol..........yeah, it could be a Terrifying Two-Line Tale. Most members shared stories not only about ghost or magical thing but also about frightening or terrifying animal...:D Did you scream or let him (male fly) kiss you? :D Be careful, my dear...! He would come to your lips again..:D

    Ohh, oh,,the one who kissed me of course the unseen secret admirer. lol...........

  • Then who do you think kissed you?  Most probably, it isn't me.  If you think it's me, you're thinking it wrong, girl!

    Hey..this story reminded me of another story. 

    One day, a fly landed on my lips.  If this didn't happen, I wouldn't know that flies have genders.  Of course, the fly who landed on my lips was a male.  

    Do you think this story would fit as an entry to that writing challenge?  (Terrifying Two-Line Tale)

    Please answer me because I am really confused.

  • :D It's spirit (creature), Lady Anne. Means the unseen creature. hihihi....

  • Who is Jinn, Onee?

  • It's not so strange, Mehboob. :D

    Somehow, some people can feel something when they're sleeping. :))

    Thank you very much for your comment and like.

  • great be your heart voice..you can fell when you are being sleep.its really strange 

  • Dear Mohammad,

    :D :D I'm just sure it is male jinn. IF he is she, it's sure she envied my beautiful. lol... Oh, God, please...it is jinn. You should marry person to get it.lol..

    No, I guess I didn't pray before sleeping. I don't know for sure, but I get used to be disturbed by jinn when I get a little lost my prayer before sleeping. It's so annoying! [shocked that my secret admirers are them] lol..

    Thank you so much for your precious comment. :)

  • Dear Onee 

       First of all, how did you find HE was there, maybe SHE was there !!

       Second, you were lucky that it had kissed you, not punching or kicking. I wish a jinn (she not he) kiss me before sleeping. lol    ;-)

       Third, perhaps before that time, you had seen some scary films like Chucky's films or Annabelle and it had influenced you !

        Forth, apart from kidding, sometimes we really sense something which we see in our dreams; Perhaps because of immediately waking up, we think that it has occurred in reality. 

    Thanks for sharing  

  • Ah, you're right my bro. I wasn't really afraid after I woke up. But, IF there was really a person behind me, I might be more afraid. :D

  • Arif....There were your father's hands, but who was with me? no one. :o 

    My father also often did that even when I was Senior High School. :D But, SO STRANGE, I never felt that he brought me to my room. lol....

    My own correction...*which one is... 

    Thank you very much again for your reply. So glad to have you back, even just a moment. :)

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