Writing Challenge: Reflexive Pronouns

I would like to devote this blog to smoking. In fact, not to smoking by itself but giving up smoking. I'm a smoker myself and want to quit smoking. Frankly speaking, I've smoked for a long time (about eight or nine years) and have done many attempts to give up this bad habit. As you could guess yourself, all of them were failed. There were times when I haven't smoked for a half year or even more but I've always come across some circumstances when I couldn't help but take a cigarette and light it. It's really easy to stop smoke but the hardest thing is to not light a cigarette again. I've tried many different ways to give up smoking and, eventually, realized that they are useless by themselves without a big strong will to give up it and even a bigger and stronger one to not light a cigarette again.

Well, I hope I will be able in near future to give myself the promise and generate the proper will to reach the goal. That's it.

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  • Dear teacher Tara!

    Frankly, I'm pleasantly surprised that you did only two corrections in my writing, I've expected many more ones :) Anyway, thank you for advice with using a calendar, I will try it. However, judging by my experience, there will be enough two or three weeks for me to quit smoking and then I'll have only one task - don't light a cigarette up again.

  • Fantastic writing! I really enjoyed reading this. I wish you the best of luck in quitting! Have you tried using a calendar? Give yourself a checkmark for every day that you don't smoke. Try to do it for 3 weeks straight. Then, try to do it for three months straight.

    English tip:

    • In fact, not to smoking by itself but to giving up smoking. [the topic of "giving up smoking"]
    • done made many attempts
  • Hello, Faraz!
    Thanks for sharing your experience with us but your way to give up this habit is not appropraite for me. To smoke so much is too expensive, will have a great bad influence on health, and takes so much time (I would be sacked at my job if I smoked so much). As you said, it's not for everyone.
  • Hi, Bright-rubies :)

    Thank you for your advice. But, unfortunately, nowadays there are so many smokers that it's too difficult, sometimes even impossible, to stand far away from they. As for me, I am surrounded by smokers everywhere: at a job, at home etc. In this case I should only have strong will.

    @ Galina,

    You're welcome :)

  • Hi Marik, thank you for your talking frankly about your bad habit: Smoking. Really, it's so dangerous phenomenon that harm bodies and societies. In my opinion, this phenomenon is related to some psychology reasons that requires stronger will to begin quit it. And I suggest every addicted to be far away from who are still smoking until he could quit it forever.    

  • Marik, thanks for the advice. I'll recommend this book to my relatives. Now I'm trying to find out more information about the author.

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  • @ Galina

    Thank you for dropping in on my blog.

    As I've already mentioned, there are many different ways to quit smoking. One people praise one way, other people praise another way, but none of them will be successful without a strong will and, as you said, motivation. Once I have read the book "The easy way to stop smoking" by Allen Carr by advice of my friend. You know, after reading this book I've not smoked for about six months. But then there was time for my wedding, I've drunk a little bit and after that started to smoke again. So, you could suggest this book to your relatives. Perhaps, it will help them.

  • Marik, I completely agree with you that it's a great problem of nowadays. I know that it's really very difficult to give up this bad habit, so I greately respect you that you've been trying to do it. Some of my relatives also have failed to give up. If you find some great way to do it, please share it. Though I also think that the main thing here is a strong will and a desire to do it. And a person should be greately motivated. Motivation is the most important thing if you want to achieve something!

    I like your post and the way you used reflexive pronouns!

  • @ Sahar

    You are absolutely right but it's easier said than done. Anyway, it isn't impossible and I will do it... earlier or later :)

  • @ nida

    Thanks a lot for your attention and corrections, I appreciate it. I'm not sure in correctness of neither some your corrections nor my writing. Let's wait for our teacher's assessment.

    By the way, I think your English is definitely better than mine :) And thank you for the link, now the use of dedicated and devoted is clearer for me.

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