It has been a while since we've done a "getting to know you" exercise on MyEC. I hope you'll join me in this month's writing challenge!
For this writing challenge, I will need you to reach into your purses, knapsacks, or coat pockets and grab your keys. Set your keys out in front of you and have a good look at them.
What does your keychain say about you?
When we use the word "say" in this way, we do not mean to speak out loud. The word "say" can also mean "to reveal/show/prove/suggest". For example: What does your car say about you? What does your lipstick colour say about you? What does your bookshelf say about you?
Your Task:
1. Take out your keys. Have a close look at them. Look at every key. Look at every keychain or accessory. Notice the keys that aren't on your keychain. What do these missing keys say about you? What about the keys that aren't in use? Take some notes.
2. Add a new blog post on your MyEC blog. Use the title: Writing Challenge: My Keychain
3. Write a paragraph (or an essay) about what your keychain says about you. (Don't share information that is too personal, such as addresses.)
4. After you publish your blog post, share a link to it here in the comments. Please read the other writers' posts and leave comments for your MyEC friends. This will be a fun way for us to get to know you!
My Example:
My Keychain
While I was walking home from my kids' school today, I had a good look at the keys I was carrying. My keys say a lot about me. My keychain itself is an old-fashionedkey. I found it recently at a craft shop and I bought it because it reminded me of how I often think I was born in the wrong decade. I often think I would have been more suited to living in the age of candlelight and inkwells. My new keychain says that I appreciate wonder, adventure, and treasures.
I have many keys on my keychain. Two of the keys reveal that we are now a two-car family. This proves that we live in an area where things are spread out, and you can't just walk to the library like we used to be able to do (my main reason for wanting my own car).
My keys also say something about my extended family. They reveal that I have nieces who occasionally lock themselves out of their house. This is why I have a spare key to my brother's house. They also say that my brother's family is intoStar Wars. My brother's spare house key came on a Darth Vadar keychain.
On my own house key there is a yellow ducky sticker. This sticker shows that I am conscious about not wasting time. Before I added the sticker to that key, I used to fiddle aroundwith my keys at the front door for too long. A few of my keys look alike, and it was a waste of time trying different keys every time. Time is very important to me.
Finally, there are a few items on my keychain that aren't currently being put to use, such as the green tag for the Zumba studio I used to go to. It has a barcode on it. Every time I went to a class, one credit was taken off my account. The fact that I haven't removed this from my keychain says that I might go back to doing Zumba this winter. (Or am I too lazy to throw it out?) There is also a bike lock key on my key ring. This key tells methat I still have hope that my children will become interested in riding their bikes. My kids aren't into biking like I was as a child. And lastly, there are some tiny luggage keys on my keychain. These say that I have been on trips in the past, and that I hope to go somewhere again soon!
What do your keys say about you?
Dear Madam Tara,
Please read this blog and make corrections there, because I really need the assistance of others in EC to improve my writing skills.
Good Luck!
I am enjoying reading all of the responses. This is one of my favourite writing challenges so far! If you haven't had a chance to inspect your keys, what are you waiting for?
Hello Tara,
This is mine. Thank you.
By the way, Today Vancouver had an earthquake. Did you feel that? Hope you and your family are fine.
Dear Tara, thanks a lot for the writing challenge. Here is mine. Have a nice weekend!
Thank you, Tara for the meaningful writing challenge. Keys somehow play an important role to us. Before reading your blog, I used to take it granted and seldom took a close look at them. Now it's time to review them and find out what they may say about me. :)
Thanks Tara!
@Expector To me, your keychain says that you are determined to be a great doctor. You went outside of your comfort zone by traveling to a foreign country for research. You're right, though. It's kind of ironic that the keychain was made in China!
I guess keychain does sound similar to kitchen. The difference is in the pronunciation of the vowels:
kEEchAYn vs. kItchIn. Also, the first word is stretched out longer.
Thanks for recording the text - I really enjoyed listening to it.
So, keychain sounds just like kitchen.
My keychain was bought in Canada - when I was shopping in Montreal and decided to buy this cute keychain which was found in a gift shop. I thought I should buy something made in Canada (as a souvenir or gift for my family or myself), but only found this little keychain was actually made in China.
I only carry keys which I need to use every day, so it might mean that I'm a "practical person".
Great Challenge! Enjoyed reading blogs by members who joined the challenge.