There are many good blogs that had been written by members of MyEC. Some of them attracted my attention because of their titles, which for me spoke volume. 

These are the few selective blogs that really caught my attention. 

1. Where Have They Gone? We Still Love Them! by Mr. Bob

I came across this blog when I was feeling a bit sad. One of my friends in MyEC decided to 'temporarily left' EC after getting so much harassment in the main chat room. Even though this blog was published in 2012, I thought this blog was the voice and feelings that I felt at that time. 

When I decided to take a sabbatical leave from MyEC, the paragraph of this blog made me not hastily delete my account. Mr. Bob wrote, "Deleting your account causes hurt to your friends. They miss you and grieve over your loss as if a friend has died. If you are angry at one person you shouldn’t hurt the ones who care about you. Just get your life together again and return." 

2. "Prodigal Sons and Daughters" of MyEC by duece666

The full title of this blog is #Where Have They Gone? We Still Love Them!... "Prodigal Sons and Daughters" of MyEC. Though the title of this blog is a bit long, but I still believed it's a good title. Basically it's a blog in response to Mr. Bob's blog "Where Have They Gone? We Still Love Them!". It's a funny blog which uses simile in portraying various 'proditors' of MyEC. It tried to give reasons of why some members of MyEC apparently decided to abandon MyEC ship. 

3. Commenting is also an ART by Bala from India

This blog really caught my eyes, not just because it was written by a good member, but because of its catchy title. I never thought that commenting is an art before, but after reading this blog, I really appreciate the impact of commenting on anyone's blogs. 

4. Pond hardly ever noticed by anyone ... :) by Charos

Well, this is not really a blog, but rather a photo posted by a member. The title of the photo caught my eyes, instead of the photo itself. It was really an intriguing title. It made me want to know why anyone hardly ever noticed the pond? What's the secret behind it? Is there a mystery behind its existence?

Because the title really intrigued me, and because Charos posted a few photos of the ancient City of Bukhara, I had written a simple story based from those photos. So, I would like to think a title/caption of a photo also important in catching the attention of members.

Due to my current hectic work schedule, I have less time to write a blog. I barely managed to finish off my series on My Perth Diary, let alone writing a blog. However, I hope I can manage to write a few blogs this year.

1. The first one is a promise to my friend in My EC that I will try to re-write his short story. Currently, it has been languishing in my draft like forever. It still has no title, but it will be a short story.

2. Another one is my second attempt in trying a short story. The plot and characters had been permanent residences in the draft section. It still has no title, because normally, I will only come up with the title after the story is written at least half way through.

Normally I will write blogs based on things that caught my fancy, so I never plan a title or the subject. 

My blog that I wish I would have done better in terms of title is "Did You Know?". When I wrote this blog, I never envisaged that it would grow and grow and grow and became a series. Maybe I should re-write the title as "Did You Know? - It's All Accidental" because basically the blog told the history of certain inventions and expressions which were accidental rather than planned.

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  • Hi Sono. Normally, the first thing that caught my eyes is the title of a blog. If it's catchy, then I would like to read it. The second one is of course, if the blog is written by my friends in EC. I will most of the times, never read a poem, because I don't like reading poems. I don't understand them.

  • WMW, my friend-that-keeps-on-giving-me-the-wrong-recipe, a working title according to Mr Know-It-All Google is a temporary name given to a project or development of some production such as film, movie and novels, and in this case, a blog.

  • well, nice selection of blogs. Before my comment I had read all specific / particular blogs that you choose for your blogs.I'm sure, it's difficult / tricky work to select  some among lots of blogs. What's criteria you used for selections and Personally, what kind of blogs you like it? These question are for my personal knowledge, would you like to tell me about that? Thanks for sharing and have a lovely time. :)


  • Yes, AH_TK .. you're being 'BLESSED'  :-p


  • Tara, hmm ... I never thought of having a 'working title' for my future blogs. I thought a simple plot/subject is enough for such thing. I will try to use a 'working title' for my future blogs. Thanks for the advice.

  • :-( WMW.. are you going to turn my blog into a poisonous recipe? Hiksss! Hikss!


  • OMG, .. "It's an automatic keyboard" .. we are doomed :p

  • Fantastic! You found some great titles to share. I loved your choices, and agree with everything you said about them. This is exactly the type of post I was hoping for when I posted my Writing Challenge. Thank you! 

    I look forward to your next posts, and you made a great point about writing the titles of future posts. Writing a good title is often the last thing we do as bloggers. You could choose "working titles" for your future posts or stories. A "working title" is not necessarily the one you will use, but it helps you focus when writing.

  • Thank you Smile. I really appreciate it. :)

  • AH_TK .. You have to live with it. LOL. It's an automatic keyboard. It can even translate my gibberish. 

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