Hello, I want to put too a little stone in this month’s writing challenge so here is my personal point of view about blogs.
As English learner I should try for the best. As Elen I am a bit lazy with English :D. Tell me take the grammar and read or take the vocabulary and learn new words, it is for me a little torture. I don’t like to push myself to read when I don’t have any serious reason. I will not give exams, so I will not read. I like to learn but not with this way. I like to learn while I live. While I am listening a song that I like or while I am chatting pleasantly with someone. And this is called experiential learning.
Experiential learning is to learn through experience. You get knowledge and this happens naturally. Through general and personal things you do and say in your daily routine. Speaking with friends and family, fighting with them, making relationships and trying for your work. The way you act and they act, the words you say and listen and the feelings you feel from all these, give you experience and experience gives you knowledge.
Same with English, if you put English in your life and make it part of it, it is easier to learn it. I mean, books and teachers are the base to learn, that’s for sure but if you live English and not only read it, you will learn it easier. And I think most people agree with it. Nowadays, you have many options to do this, thanks to Internet. There are many sites that give you the chance to learn while you are chatting or playing games. Many of us feel EC as second life, a virtual life that gives us experience and knowledge, through chatting, reading or writing discussions and blogs.
Blogs can easily attract your interest. They are pleasant, funny, touching, informative. The benefits you get from them are many. Writing a blog in English you will need time to express your thoughts and your feelings. You will learn to use new words and grammar.
Personally, I often need to look in Internet or books for unknown words and grammar that I want to use (mainly passive voice that confuses me a lot). Similarly, when I read a blog, I have often unknown words which prevent me to understand the text and I go directly to Google translation. From that moment I keep these words in my mind. Not because I must, nobody forces me, but just because one day I needed to use them or I read them in a blog which impressed me. So I learn pleasantly new words and I see how the other members use grammar correctly. Experiential learning. Simple.
Writing blogs you become more sociable. Not all members go to chat room and through comments you meet old and new members, you exchange views, you get and give advice and ideas, you correct and being corrected. Sometimes you feel that you understand the character of the commenter and many members make friendship via blogs.
Also blogs can help you to improve your writing skills. Usually in the beginning we are somehow shyly with our writing. The first blogs are short and it is difficult to express what you want in English. As time passes and you read other blogs and keep on writing, you learn how to use words, phrases, sentences and maybe you get inspiration. Your brain is trained without doing something special, without trying. Little by little you see that your writing is improved. Fingers type quicker than your thoughts, you feel it easier, and after long time you are in a level which you have confidence and you feel comfortable with your writing.
Having fun you start to see things from other angle and they are more understandable. Every time you have a little fun in EC, every time you read and write new blogs you get something. You get knowledge, even it is too little, even it is just one English word. It is helpful for you. It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes and it doesn’t matter how slowly or quickly you learn. The fact is that you learn. Exactly like in your real life you make mistakes and you learn from them. So enjoy writing and don’t push yourself. The biggest school is life!
Image was taken from: https://takinganewpath.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/aristotle-680x274.jpg?w=529
Yes Rhaani, blogging is very useful, thanks for your comment :)
Anna thank you for your comment, we push ourselves when it necessary but when it is not, it is nice to enjoy it! I am glad that i made you smile :)
There is one thing makes me smile knowing Elen's ways to learn English is the same as mine so both of us have the same gene :)
Getting stuck on the desk to read grammar is a boring thing anyways it is very necessary and I push myself into it sometimes ...
Thank you Onee :) About corrections, hmmm...
While i live, i mean while i am doing actions, but while i am alive doesn't mean i am not dead? It sounds weird to me in what i wanted to write. And also wrote it in two sentences because if i was speaking i would keep a pause at this point of speech.
The way you act... yes it was just a typo, i corrected it. And i corrected the we also.
Thanks again!
My dearest friend, Elen.
To learn, we have so many ways. Bookish style, mm sometimes one likes only speaking. or etc. I think it depends on their purpose. You do enjoy your study. I do the same way.
I agree with you that the biggest school is life. You'll remember a lot of what you see, what you feel, and what you are interested in. Always enjoy your study! :)
For my correction:
>> ... while I am alive, while ...and ... (one sentence)
>> The way you act and ... (I think it's just typo)
>> Many of us we/ Most of us feel ...
Yes ELF Noor, enjoying English you learn better. It is more effective way than the usual. Thanks for your comment!
Elen nicely written, i am agree with you, we learn more and soon through experience rather then rehearsal, homework, test, and others method. thanks for sharing your nice view with us.
Thank you petrichor! I like it because no need to do something special, i just enjoy my time and i learn English at the same time. I read recently that last years experiential learning recognized as one of the best methods in schools, through research, interview and others activities that the kids can do .
Tawfeeq, yes of course, i mentioned that books and teachers are the base to learn. Basic education is necessary. And then, with experience, you can build higher your knowledge. I speak generally in my blog :) Thanks for your nice words!
Expector Smith thank you! I am glad that you liked it! It took me some days to write it but no, i didn't push myself, i did it with joy :) And i learnt new words also :)
Mary, this system with tests etc, is like an obligation in our mind, that we must do it. From childhood till university we study because we must become a doctor, a lawyer, an engineer etc and of course it is for our good and it is needed. But after all these exams all these years, we fed up as you say. We need something different. However it depends on the person, some people like to study from books and give exams. It is nice that you improved your English by doing what you liked and i like your theory! And thanks for mentioned your basics, we need to remember to be patient and to persevere!
Thank you very much Tara! Hmm well, i wrote this sentence exactly like i would say it in my language. I will think about it and i will correct it!
Stranger :D Thanks for the thumb up!
Dear setareh, i am happy that you liked my writing, i improved it having fun :D and i will continue to improve it. Yes, i agree, i learning many words without using them it is difficult to remember them. Usually we forgot them the next day. Thanks for your comment :)