1-Don't pollute me.
Don't pollute me with smoke.Try to avoide the smoke of vehicles.I am sensitive I can't bare the pollution.The noises you make and the smoke you discharge through your vehicles pollute me.Chemicals you drench in the sea infects me and kill the inhabitants of sea.
2-Save the energy.
Doing a simple work by just moving your hand is included in energy.Electicity is also a part of energy which plays an important role for me.Save electricity by turning off the switches when you are not using TV,Computers and other electric appliances.
3-Save the nature.
Nature is an important part of me.Make an effort to protect it.Forests are benificial as lots of trees and plants grow there,which is helpful in providing oxygen.That is why rainforest is also called as lungs of the earth.Stop deforestation as it would be harmful for me.Plant trees near your home and all around the streets.As long as you protect me you will be safe otherwise infecting me would be unhealthy or destructive for yourself either.
4-Don't waste water.
Water is essential for everyone.Don't waste it while taking shower.You know that 70% of the earth is covered with water and you sometimes think that water supply could never end, but hold on don't waste it by overwhelming about it.Try to use appropriate amount of water in your house chores and for personal use.Collect the rain water it could be counted as saving water.
Thank you Seeker, I hope you will pay attention to my advises
Thanks Rajesh and Mishaikh for passing by.It would be awesome if you try to protect me, I'll be safe as long as you care me. :)
Your advice to us dear environment, is like the warning of a time bomb which is ticking. Hope every one of us get WARNED.
Dear Environment,
Thank you so much for your beautiful message. Lives on this Earth isn't possible without you. I wish, I could share your message to more and more people. Thank you for giving us lives!
Thank you Cup Cake I hope you will protect me. :)
Saba :) thanks for stopping by and caring me. :)
Shahab Naimat thanks a lot for admiring I am sure you will adhere to my advises. :)
a nice piece of writing.
Hi Environment!
I always try to be friend with you :)
I don't have a clear concept about personification but I tried my best to write something as personification.Thanks Tara for giving me a chance to write something new.I always get confused while writing "advise" and "advice" I will be careful next time. :))
I'm so glad you joined this challenge, Environment! Without you, we are nothing! In my house we try to remember to turn off lights, but we often forget about the silent-energy suckers, such as toasters, kettles, and coffee makers. Right now I just unplugged my MP3 recorder, which sucks energy when I'm not using it. Thanks for the reminder!
English Tip: Check your title. Can you spot a spelling mistake? Be careful with "advice" (noun) and "advise" (verb). Here is another Writing Prompt you can try to practise this rule. You'll learn a spelling trick too!