Writing challenge: Advice from a book

1. Don't tear me: There are some people who sometimes tear me. They do it to save their money or time or just because as a bad habit. Please stop tearing me. Instead you may buy, download, take a photocopy or write down your necessary information from me in your note pad.

2. Don't steal: Hey, there was a saying, it's not too worse if someone steal a book from a library. But, in reality it's not a good practice. If you steal me from a library, a lot of people will lose chance to get information.

3. Don't skim and scan: Try to read me with full concentration. Never go for skimming  or scanning.

4. Don't lost yourself: I may be your best friend but don't lost yourself. For example, if you are a parent, be sure you are giving enough time to your love ones!

5. Don't read everything: It is a common saying, if you want to learn, you should read everything. But, my suggestion is try to read something worthy and avoid bad write up.

6. Make a time table: If someone wants to get a good result from anything else. They should maintain a time table. I never hope, you read me all day long. So, you better make your own time table and  fix up everything as per priority basis.

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  • Great job, Afro!

  • Dear Book,

    You are my life changer. I'm so thankful to always!

  • Ohhh book, you are one of my favorite things! I like to read you. I buy you, i borrow you from the library, i search about you on internet. I like when you have old pages with nice familiar smell. And i like when you are old, when you have passed from many hands, i believe that you have history. I mean how many people have laughed, cried and imagined while they were reading you!!

  • hey book,i love to read you .but i don't have a time for spend with you ..
  • Dear book, you opened my eyes to see the world.  

    Nice blog Afro

  • well done. I wanted to write on the same topic but when I saw this post I gave up the idea and changed my topic. I love reading books and it is my hobby. 

  • I love to read and I forget all the other works when I find a good book to read. That's my bad habit I guess.
    Interesting blog anyway! :)
  • Dear books I am getting addicted to you.I was a good student but I never read you in my spare time.I want to explore you,and want to spend my spare time with you.I will adhere to your great advises.Thanks :)

  • Hi book, 

    Thanks for joining this month's writing challenge! You are one of my favourite things.

    These days we have reading hour at 7:00 pm in my house. My son has to read for about 30 minutes for school, so I sit beside him and read too. Of course, after the kids go to bed, I read a lot more! I just finished Khaled Hosseini's book And The Mountains Echoed.  He is an Afghan-born novelist who lives in the US now. This novel wasn't quite as good as The Kite Runner, but I would still recommend it. There are a lot of names to keep track of, though. I'll be discussing it at book club this week. 

    Re corrections: Pay attention to Mishaikh's correction here. It's an important one.  

    Instead you may buy, can download, can take a photocopy or you can write down your necessary information from me in your note pad. 

  • Nice work!

    Yes, it's unacceptable to tear a page or two out of a book. Thanks for the book tips. 

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