I used to spell "Bride" and "Groom" incorrectly. These were really silly mistakes, because even a little misspell in English, it will have big difference meaning.

Making some mistakes in learning is common and it happens. Without having mistakes we can't improve our knowledge and can't be better.

I used to be confused when should distinguish between Bride and Groom. Sometimes, I used to say Bride as Groom and the opposite. So, whenever I would say about Bride or Groom, I took my dictionary to find the meaning first. It was a silly thing. Seem, I had a weak memory.

Months later, I was successful to memorize and distinguish them. Bride is for female and Groom is for male. And I thought I didn't need a dictionary anymore to find the meaning when I would say those words.

But in fact, I made worse mistakes than before. I used to say Broom when I would say Groom and I used to say Bridge as Bride too. It happened frequently. Just like before, I was searching the meaning before saying those words. It made me ashamed when I said those words in conversation with my friends.

One day, I talked to my friend in the US. I'm so lucky to be his friend because he is a good friend and I can learn much more about English from him. He corrects my sentences whenever I make mistakes. We were talking about wedding culture in our each country. When he was showing me his picture, he asked me to guess where was he in the picture. Unexpectedly, again I made mistake. I said he was beside the Bridge, after saying it I corrected my word being Bride (when in fact he was beside the Groom). Again I ensured about the meaning, so..I tried to open my dictionary, and OHMY..142th mistake.

He was laughing at me of my silliness, again I corrected my word, I said he was beside the Broom. He laughed louder at me, I just kept silent without knowing why was he laughing. Finally, he explained, "LaaLaaBroom is an object, you use it to sweep the floor". Oh Gosh!. I was soooo,,,,,. I was laughing at myself, why did I misspell those words in many times???...

And now,,finally I can manage them to say, because I have the tricks to detect them. I was memorizing them with convert to other words.
Groom ~~~~~> there is "G" letter, I consider it as Gentleman ( Gentleman is male)
Bridge ~~~~~> there is "G" letter, I consider it as Go Up (Go up to the bridge)

Doing mistake is normal, don't give up just because you did some mistakes. Mistake is also a teacher for you to be better person. Learn and Learn and do your best.

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  • LoL. Thank you bear for correcting me. Haha, I think a broom can't taller than a bride. But if Groom is not taller than Bride... you know we can chuckle together hehehe.

  • Your moustache as much as the broom,,,

    Ohh,,,Pull them then,,,

    #Knock You#,,

  • lala i had to see the encarta dictionary to differentiate between a broom oh sorry ,,,,, between groom and bride .

    thanks for writing a complete blog on tricks to diff between em . these two words really deserved this attention . 

  • Hello Ahmed,,,

    Thanks for reading..

  • I was confusing also about these words,groom and broom

    thanks for this topic

  • Hello Deepa,,,
    Thanks for your compliment and reading my blog.

  • Ario,,,I'm gonna give you two sentences..

    1. Just Married..
    *The Bride and the Groom are flying use a vivid broom going to the bridge2387154016?profile=original

    ~~~~~~~> Romantic Couple

    2. Old Marriage
    *The Bride likes to hit the Groom using a broom and "throws" him to the bridge


                          "Cruel" Couple <~~~~~~~~~~

    Are you ready to be a Groom in the future Ario????

  • Uncle Modaway,,,,I'm flying use my vivid [groom] broom to the [bride] bridge...
    oowowowowow,,thanks for reading,,uncle..

  • Hi Laalaa,

    Your story is funny. Since it is a writing challenge and you were discussing 4 words that make you confuse, I have other challenge for you. Can you write a sentence about the words above, that you were writing?

    Or in other words, I challenge you to make a sentence using words broom, groom, bride and bridge. Let's see if you still feel confused or not.

  • Thanks for the explanation sis Bala,,,,
    But sorry,,,I can't understand it,,,I have thought what did u mean from your pictures...But I can't get it..LOLs,,


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