
*NOTE TO ALL WRITERS-We are now WRITING BACK from Grandma! Please read the whole letter in the comment section before you add to Grandma's response to her granddaughter, Julie. Don't forget to use transitional phrases. Have fun!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This month I am going to challenge you to use "transitional words and phrases". These are words (or groups of words) that help your writing flow. (We also use them in speaking.) Just like we did in the chain story challenge, we will write together as a group. This time we will write a "Letter to Grandma" together.Rules:Each time you visit the blog you may write two sentences of the letter in the comment section. At least one of your sentences must contain a transitional phrase. You can use words from the list below, or choose others you know. To help each other learn, place the transitional word or phrase in bold tags (highlight the word and click on the B). Make sure to read what has been written before you in the comment section (in the proper order) before you add your sentences.flow=to have continuous movement (like a river)Here are some common transitional phrases:To show contrast or similarity:neverthelesslikewiseon the other handsimilarlyTo provide additional information:meanwhileafterwardseventuallyas a resultTo show time:in the meantimefinallyat firstpreviouslyTo provide emphasis:above allin factbesidesfurthermoreTo provide an example:For examplefor instancein other wordsin particularTo show result:consequentlyas a resultthereforedue toNote on punctuation:When a transitional phrase occurs at the beginning of a sentence we usually use a comma after it: "As a result, I lost all of my money."If a transitional word or phrase separates two complete thoughts, use a semicolon before the phrase and a comma after it: "It is very hot; consequently, many elderly people are in the hospital."-----------------Let's begin:Dear Grandma,I have been very busy this month; nevertheless, I haven't forgotten about you. In fact, I have something important to tell you.---------------See note above. As of April 14th, we are now writing a letter back from "Grandma" to "Julie". Read the first letter in the comment section before you write your part. :)
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  • check out my website at for some blogs on the English Language. Thank you..
  • *It looks like we have another letter started from "Julie to Grandma". Thanks Ronni. Let's continue...
    Due to your poor hip, we'll have to find something that is on the main floor. And, we won't mind at all if you bring your pet cats to live with us.
  • Above all, you are in my heart, Grandma. I will search to find new apartment with 4 rooms one to me & spouse, 2 to my kids and one to you. Eventually, you will live with us.
  • At first, we thought we would rent the apartment and try to share it with another couple. However, when we couldn't find another couple we thought of you, Grandma.
  • In the meantime we found a nice apartement but it's very expensive;above all, it's too big for us. As a result, we put advert at the local newspaper.
  • This challenge is now complete. You can read both letters in full here.
    Of course, if you want to keep writing letters between Grandma and Julie you can start a new response from Julie here. :)
  • At any rate, I must sign off now and get on with my day. I'm in a lawn bowling competition this afternoon and I want to look my best.

    See you soon!
    Love Grandma
  • In fact, an old man my age nearly made a proposal to me. But I'm not so sure if it's a good idea for me (so old a woman) to get engaged again after so long a period of time being alone. Does it sound crazy/silly, my granddaughter?
  • As a result, I am getting stronger and I have more energy to enjoy life. Perhaps I'll meet a special someone too (You're never too old for love, right?).
  • Therefore, I'm feeling more responsibility for my health. Furthermore,I decided,finally, to work out.
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