Advice for a student in her/his twenties:
- Do not give up your passion. If you prepare yourself to go to university or are studying in a university already, do not overwhelm yourself only by study materials. Your passion is as important as your study giving you motivation, enjoyment, enthusiasm and happiness. I gave up painting because of my studies.I wish I could have learned it completely. If I had, I would have had my own gallery by now. I would also be happier and more fulfilled in my life.
- Choose your friend carefully. If you have a friend who is jealous, selfish, arrogant and competitive in a negative way, simply leave her alone. A good or bad friend influences us and, we, finally, become like them. So, try to find a positive and helpful friend.
- Take English more seriously. By all the technologies and Internet phenomenon, learning English is a must. I wish I had studied English more.
- Do not think about the outcome of your work. If you take a test, do not put all your attention and energy on the result. Thinking about the result of your work actually affects your performance and makes you stressful. “Do your best, mother nature will do the rest” is a very useful quotation in such situations.
- Take care of your health. If you do not eat breakfast in the morning, try to allocate some time to have it. After all, nothing is more important than you. I accustomed not to eating anything in the morning. I end up having stomach problem with low performance in my studies. So, sleep well, eat well and take a break some times.
Good luck,
Dear Martin, you are so kind! ohhhh! thank you so much for your encouragement. It warms my heart! Thank you!
Dear Martin, I can assure you that thinking about the result is so terrible. It makes us to be anxious and our performance will be low as a result of it. And, if you keep thinking about it, finally it kills your passion and motivation. It is really terrible! And, after all, outcomes are not important at all. What matters is if you are happy with what you do or not. If we look at all successful people, we realize they just enjoy what they are doing without thinking what will happen next. Take care,
I Wish I Had Known These 8 Years Ago.
I*d be happier! I didn*t overwhelm myself by studing materials,I took it in an easy way, I mean I was not so hard-working. I wish I had one more chance to correct it....
Have a nice day,Nafis!
My lovely Zahra, Thanks a lot for both reading and leaving such a nice comment here. I think you read beyond the lines. You got me. The time I was writing the challenge, I thought the same, just taking easy and sharing what I know. I didn't think if I was the first or last one to write. I just wanted to write to improve my English. I can tell you that I had a big battle with myself to take things easy. You know it's not easy to be perfectionist and take things easy. But, I noticed that being perfectionist may be good but most of the time prevents me to go further. So, I'm glad that you read my feeling through the lines and noticed it. You are so smart.
I regret that in the past, I spent most of my time on things that were not so important or didn't have any effect on the current situation. If we do not think about what will happen next, we can both save time and be more effective.
Take great care,
Hi my lovely Nafis !
The very first and important lesson you've taught me through this post is that we should take things easy. You are the first who took this writing challenge and you wrote brief and to the point. I learned that I just need to take it easy and begin to write; the mind does the rest one after the other. Thanks
Your tips are so precious. #2 and #4 are so remarkable. Unfortunately, I am badly used to thinking about the results. This prevents me from focusing on the doing itself;thus my efficiency becomes low. I can see the result of this bad habit of mine. As for exams, after I take one, I spend lots of time thinking on how I did it and what will be the result. This, not only increases my stress and tension (which is so harmful to health), but also keeps me back in the time not letting me step forward and even compensate! Can you believe that last night, because of this bad habit I couldn't sleep till almost 3 in the morning ? I was so nervous about the result of my taken exam and I was thinking on what I wrote and what I knew and didn't wrote. Still I am so much stressful to death.
And about #2 : It's like a habit when starts to be born . What we see the most and repeats the most, becomes our habit. So a close friend's deeds are watched the most by us,thus can unintentionally and gradually influence us to a great deal .
Thanks for sharing the precious tips with us .
Have a terrific time
Dear Nafis,
Ok, if you didn't get me right, it means i shoull care more about grammar and spelling :) :)
Hahaha, that's too funny.