I receive this question every day! What is the secret to learning English? English learners would love to have a magic recipe. They want a fast track to fluency! If only there was an English pill they could take, all of their dreams would come true.Well, we all know there is no English potion or pill. Learning a new skill takes persistance. It involves hard work AND lots of time to play. Of course, there are some tips that can make language learning easier. Have you all subscribed to Josef's 7 Secrets for ESL Learners? I only subscribed recently. It's fantastic! You get a new secret in your inbox each day for one week. After that you get a weekly tip. If anyone knows of a 7 Secrets for Learning French...please send it my way!Do you have any secrets to language learning? What works for you may also work for a friend. This month we are going to write a post called 7 Secrets. Your post can be 7 Secrets to Learning English (like mine) OR 7 Secrets to ...(any other topic that you are skilled at, such as knitting or buying a car or finding a roommate or learning German).Your Task1. Choose a topic (7 Secrets to ...)2. Open a new blog post. Use the title "Writing Challenge #25: 7 Secrets to ..."3. Write your post in list form, with a short description after each secret. (Use hyperlinks to improve the quality of your post.)4. NEW STEP: Create a social marketing plan! You will get more readers if you actively share your blog post. Think of 3 ways to market (share) your blog post! Leave a note at the bottom of your post telling us HOW you plan to market your 7 secrets.5. Publish your blog post and come back and leave a comment with a link.
My Example:Title: 7 Secrets to Learning English1. Stick to a Blog ScheduleChoose one day each week to write a blog post. You can blog on other days too, but whatever you do, don't miss your blog day. On my personal blog, I am now blogging on Sundays. I made a promise to myself and I'm sticking to it! (I thank Karenne Sylvester for this reminder.) When is your blog day?2. Follow the EnglishClub FeedThe sidebar of MyEC shows What's New on EnglishClub.com. You will find articles, questions, Site of the Month, This Week in History, News, and other activities and challenges. You will find listening and reading exercises. Read each article AND add a comment. Don't forget to leave a comment. The comment section is a great way to meet friends and find secrets from other learners and teachers!3. Watch 1 English movie every weekWho doesn't like watching movies? Even if you have to watch it on YouTube or on MyEC videos, you'll pick up a lot of English as you watch. Pick a movie night (or morning) and stick to it. Why not start a movie club on MyEC? Who will be the first to create this group? After you watch it you can chat, blog, or have a group discussion about it.4. Track your ProgressI've said this before! No matter how small of a step you take, it's a good idea to track your progress. This will make you want to stay on schedule. You can do this in a notebook, in an email to yourself or a learning partner or in this group. Self-study learners MUST give themselves gold stars!5. Get Back on the WagonLife gets in the way sometimes. If you don't log in to EnglishClub.com for a while, you can always come back. Don't feel guilty. Just jump back on the wagon and start thinking in English again. Here are some more tips for making English learning a habit.6. Pair your Passion with EnglishWhat are you passionate about? Writing is my passion. I write for fun and I write for work. What about you? Are you passionate about cars or animal rights or smart phones? Find a group that is associated with your interests. Read books or magazines related to your dreams. Watch movies that interest you. Create a MyEC group related to your passion! Chances are you will find other English learners who share your passion! You won't even realize you are practising English.7. Figure out how you learn bestAre you a visual learner? If yes, why not use the MyEC Photo gallery to practise English. Join in Wordless Wednesday and Picture it. Create Wordles. Build a picture dictionary! Watch videos. Do you learn best by listening? Find podcasts for English learners! Listen to the news and the radio. Record your own voice. Record your blog posts! Listen to books on tape. Do you learn best by reading? I do! If you tell me how to get somewhere I will NEVER find you. I need to see it on a map. (I hate listening to the GPS in our car.) I need to see the street names. My husband learns best by "doing". He has a hard time sitting in a classroom and can't sit and read for long periods of time. We all learn differently. Don't feel bad about how you learn best. Figure out which type of learner you are and work with it!My 3 step marketing plan:1. Share with all of the active writing challenge participants (I will invite them via their wall. I will not send a mass email to all friends. Some view this as spam. Instead I will share it with all of those who took part in #23 and #24.)2. Share a link on twitter (other English learners or teachers may find it that way) using the tag #twinglish and #learnenglish.3. Share on EnglishClub.com's Facebook page (this will reach almost 14, 000 friends).
I think that there are three main secrets to a successful English learner: First is TIME to study. Second is MOTIVATION and the third is PRACTICE. If you invest time, motivate yourself and do practise English as regularly as you can I think that you will make a very big progress in study English. Of course of the three main secrets there are some sub-secrets that anyone can exploit to aplly for a specific purposes of English study.
i've created a new blog post.can u please come and take a look at it?this the link:http://my.englishclub.com/profiles/blogs/writing-challenge257-secrets
thank u
Hello Tara,
I created a new blog but I too late
here the link Writing Challenge #25: 7 Secrets to Stay Alive in MyEC
thanks for great challenge :)
I am going to practice English using those secrets. I look my best way to learn it.
Sorry for the delay.